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Duchy of Ulek (X4-105)
World of Greyhawk
582 C.Y.

Power Center: Conventional
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
GP Limit: 800 gp
Population: 1882
Racial Demographics: Mixed
          50% Dwarves, 25% Human, 10% Gnomes, 6% Halfling, 4% Elf, 3% Half Elf, 2% Half Orc

Town Administration:
          Lord Henrik Gunndrum (Mayor) (dwarf)
          Lord Pennromen Redpetal (Sheriff, appointed by Duke Grenowin of Ulek) (elven)
          Andari Thorstone (Constable, appointed by the Town Council)

Town Council/Guildmasters:
          Bombur Bronzecryer (Dwarven Trading Company) (dwarf)
          Ori Goldsong (Artificers' Guild) (gnome)
          Vandra Saphi (Moneylenders' Guild) (f)
          Balor Prax (Canon of Pelor)
          Thorin Musicplate (Jewellers' Guild) (dwarf)

Town Council/Lesser Guilds:
          Garannus (Animal Handlers' Guild)
Gróin Mithrilfoot           Gróin Mithrilfoot (Church of Moradin) (dwarf)
          Kharl Moonstone (Bishop of Segojan Earthcaller) (gnome)
          Stewart Goodstitch (Tailors' Guide) (halfling)
          Rundar Marblebeard (Stonemasons' Guild) (dwarf)
          Ringheniel Halfblood (Fellowship of Physicians) (half elf) (f)
          Tanghal Ironbreath (Blacksmiths' Guild)
          Landon Korpa (Carpenters' Cadre)
          Maruda Whitetop (Academics' Society)

Important Locations:
          1. Citadel/Royal Hold
                    -- Home to the Sheriff and his elven knights
                    -- Town Hall/Town Council HQ
          2. Forts
          3. Upper Quarter
                    -- Home to the Dwarven Trading Company, the Moneylenders' Guild, the Jewellers' Guild, and the Church of Moradin
          4. North Quarter
                    -- Singing Dragon Inn (Home to the PCs)
                    -- Home to the Church of Pelor, and the Artificers' Guild, and the Tailors' Guide.
          5. Lower Quarter
                    -- Home to the Animal handlers' Guild, the Beggars' Guild, and the Academics' Society.
          6. South Quarter
                    -- Home to the Fellowship of Physicians, the Church of Segojan Earthcaller, and the Carpenters' Cadre
          7. East Quarter
                    -- Armourer
                    -- Home to the Blacksmiths' Guild, and the Stonemasons' Guild
          8. Outer Dike
          9. Inner Dike

Military Structure:
The Town Watch/Militia
[Representing the Town Council]

                    Andari Thorstone (Human Constable)
                    'Big Bear' Gregori (Human Sergeant of the Watch)
                    Ghazan Badblood (Half Orc Town Provost)
                              12 Dwarven Heavy Crossbowmen (armed and equipped by the Dwarven Trading Company)
                              14 Human Soldiers
                              6 Gnome Soldiers (armed and equipped by the Artificers' Guild)
                              1 Gnome Illusionist (armed and equipped by the Artificers' Guild, with spiritual aid by the Church of Segojan Earthcaller)

Knights of the Silverwood (the Royal Elven Militia)
[Representing the Duke's authority in the town of Horde]

                    Lord Pennromen Redpetal (Elven Sheriff)
                    Vanaath Silverstar (Elven Captain of the Guard)
                    Avargoniel Silveroak (Elven Royal Wizard) (f)
                    Vanwaorë Greycloak (Elven Royal Wizard)
                              8 Elven Mounted Knights
                              8 Elven Mounted Archers

The Map of Horde is a modified map of Fornost Erain (scanned from the I.C.E. MERP supplement, 'Rangers of the North'). All images used without permission. Text content copyright TS Hartin, 2001.