Issue Number Nine

"Evil, Revealed : Part Three"

WHAT HAS COME BEFORE : The Ultra-Humanite and his Secret Society of Super-Villains have managed to defeat the Justice Squadron, using them as pawns in a bizarre scheme to rid the world of all its heroes. Unfortunately for the Squadron, the Society's plan has succeeded....

The world was in turmoil.

Since the sudden disappearance of all the known heroes 48 hours ago, the criminal element had slowly come to the realization that there were no longer any true limits on their behavior.

In Metropolis, Lex Luthor's security forces fought to keep the peace while Metallo and the Cyborg went on a murderous spree.

Gotham City's mayor found himself held hostage by the Joker, forced to take part in a deadly game of "Truth or Dare."

The Flash's Rogues Gallery looted Keystone blind, while its citizens could only look to the sky and ask "Where are our heroes?"

And at the Justice League's Watchtower Headquarters on the moon, the automated systems went about their job, oblivious to the fact that their masters were no more.

Earth was without heroes.

Hell had come.


The Ultra-Humanite forced his massive frame into the President's chair. It was a tight fit but it didn't matter. Soon, he would address the masses and declare himself America's master.

Star Sapphire was escorting the harried looking President from the Oval Office. His lower lip was split and was spilling droplets of blood onto the white collar of his shirt. Like most in the new world order, he would have to learn his place.

Fel Andar, the renegade Thanagarian, stood nearby. "I have to admit, Ultra, you were right. The plan worked."

"Of course it did, Fel. As I said it would. And we'll soon begin making contact with the other villains of the world -- they will either join us, or die."

"Fine... But, I have to ask -- is there any chance of the heroes returning? Or are they dead?"

"The key," said the Ultra Humanite, "is in the seven heroes whom we have exiled. Their bodies, and ours as well, are attuned to this particular Hypertimeline. When we banished them from our own, they upset the cosmic balance. As long as they are kept from returning, the other heroes will not reappear. Superman and the others are not truly dead -- rather, they are out of phase with our Hypertimeline now. In essence, they are trapped in a phantom zone or limbo from which they are unable to escape."

Fel considered this for a moment. "But you said that it's possible that the Justice Squadron could return and upset our plan?"

"It is possible, but remote. Keep in mind, Fel Andar, that they are now trapped in a strange new world. Assuming they survive it, how will they return to their proper Hypertimeline? No, this world is ours now. Enjoy it!"

Fel nodded. He still felt unease, however. Katar Hol was an old foe and a crafty one. If anyone could return from this banishment, it was Hawkman and his allies....


"Anybody have a guess as to where we are?" The Elongated Man, along with all six of his teammates, were inside a long, narrow corridor. The walls were lined with alien metal, but totally devoid of adornment.

The Crimson Fox crouched and studied her studies. She sniffed the air, examining it. "I... Something about this place is very familiar... I believe I've been here before."

Hawkman nodded. "You have. This is the Overmaster's ship*. I'd recognize its scent anywhere. A mixture of alien smells that's totally unique."

(*The Overmaster was the major villain in the "Judgment Day" crossover that spanned Justice League America 89-90, Justice League International # 65-66 and Justice League Task Force # 13-14. A part of his ship served as the post-Zero Hour hq of Justice League America, in fact.)

The Fox frowned. "Impossible! The Overmaster's ship was destroyed the escape pod we used in the League is gone as well!"

"This is all very interesting, but I think we have more pressing concerns!" Godiva's voice ended all immediate speculation. She was kneeling on the floor, holding Maya in her arms. The young Hindu girl was badly bruised and shaken. "Chandi was attacked by the Ultra-Humanite...."

The Knight began to administer first aid, trying to comfort her as best as possible. He could tell Chandi was in a state of near-shock and he could only imagine what she had gone through. "Savages. Abusing a young lady like this...."

Revenant watched as his friends tended to young Maya. He envied her in a way. His only lifetime had been filled with pain, but he'd never had people like this to care for him. Perhaps he would have turned out differently if he'd had... A soft voice caught his attention. It came from the other side of the wall and was definitely feminine.

Turning himself intangible, Revenant drifted through the wall -- and into a setting that he'd never imagined. Snow covered the ground and a bright blue sky was overhead. He could a soft burbling stream somewhere to the south and the smell of morning dew was thick in the air. "How...?"

"Who are you?"

Revenant spun around to see a woman approach. She wore a skintight blue costume, her white hair framing an innocent but pain-stricken face. Her eyes were red and puffy, as if she'd cried for days, perhaps even weeks. "How did you come to be here? Were you captured by the Secret Society?"

The young woman blinked in surprise. "The Society...? No. I'm a prisoner of the Overmaster's -- but how can you even be here?!"

Revenant sighed. She was obviously going to be of no assistance. "I don't have time to inform you of my affairs. Good-bye." He started to move towards the wall again but a blast of ice stopped his progress.

When he looked back, he saw that the young woman had clenched her fists in determination. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me who you are. Because you can't be what you look like."

"And why can't I be?"

"Because I'm Tora Oalofsdotter, the last human being in the Universe!"

The man known as Waverider surfed through the timestream, consumed by a feeling of unease. Since learning of the existence of Hypertime*, he'd come to the conclusion that the Linear Men's task of cataloging potential threats to the timestream was all for naught. What good was it to monitor the timestream when, at any moment, a thread of another Hypertimeline might eradicate a key portion of the Linear Men's own history?

(*Following the Kingdom series.)

Waverider paused as he dropped out of the timestream. He had planned to investigate the recent anomalies in the history of the group known as the Doom Patrol* but what he saw as he arrived over Midway City was enough to banish all thoughts of the freakish hero group from his mind.

(*Following "Resurrection Games" in DCL's Doom Patrol # 1-3.)

A forty-foot tall robot was smashing its way through the city, as panicked civilians scrambled for cover.

Just as he began to wonder where the Patrol was, he felt a strange tugging at his very core, as if something were trying to rip him straight out of reality.

With concentration, he was able to retreat into the timestream but he knew now that something was very wrong. The entire feel of the universe felt off-kilter. Something's disrupted the cosmic balance... I'd better return to Centerpoint and find out what.


"This is amazing... Somehow we've been shunted into an alternate reality, one in which the Overmaster succeeded in his scheme. In our reality, he came to Earth in hopes of destroying humanity and claiming a single human to keep as a speciman in his little zoo. That speciman was going to be Ice, but she gave her life so that we could overcome the Overmaster... but here, the League failed to stop the Overmaster and Ice ended up in the Human Area of the zoo." The Elongated Man smiled, obviously quite pleased with his powers of exposition.

Maya shook her head. "How awful..." She reached out and squeezed Tora's hand. "It must be so lonely."

Tora nodded, tears in her blue eyes. She looked over the simulated Nordic lands that the Overmaster had provided for her. "Sometimes I expect to wake up and find Bea and Guy in the next room... but they're not coming back. I know that now."


Hawkman glanced at the Knight, who was looking very disturbed. "What is it?"

"England is gone." He turned towards the Winged Wonder, a stricken look on his face. "You don't understand how much my country means to me. My entire life has been dedicated to preserving the British Isles. To find that it's all gone... All those souls crying out for vengeance...."

"It wasn't your England. Remember that. And I do know what you mean, though. My entire world was nearly destroyed by the Hawk-God."

The Knight looked up at Tora. "You say there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of beings on this vessel? All of them the last of their race?"

Ice nodded. "Yes. I've tried to organize a resistance but if we leave our enclosures, the Overmaster gets angry -- he's bound to notice that all of you are here."

"That could be bad. The League only won last time because Amazing Man absorbed the Overmaster's power... He's not with us this time." The Elongated Man thought of his wife back home and felt a twinge of guilt. What if I don't make it back? Sue will have to raise Junior all alone....

Maya touched Ice's arm. She'd never known the woman well, but the stories she'd heard about her honesty and sincerity made it feel as if she had. "You can come back with us, whenever that is...."

Ice shook her head. "I can't. Someone has to help the other prisoners here. And it wouldn't be fair to Bea and Guy if I came back with you. They've moved on, made new friends... gotten new girlfriends, probably." Tora looked away.

The Knight heard the pain in her voice and winced. Such heroism. Amazing that a girl who looks so fragile could be so strong... To think of being here, all alone, the last of your kind -- for eternity.

A flash of light made everyone jump. The Crimson Fox and Hawkman were the first to adopt defensive stances, but Maya was in a crouch with an arrow notched less than a second later.

Waverider stared at them. "Listen... Some of you recognize me, others don't. But I'm here to help you. None of the Squadron belong here. I have to return you before it's too late."

Godiva kept her hair in a battle-ready position. "Too late for what?"

"Somehow your absence from the proper Hypertimeline has caused all heroes to disappear. I need to return you before the villains cause too much damage."

The Crimson Fox studied for a moment before agreeing. "Ze Secret Society must have known what was going to happen... Fine, Waverider -- do what you must. We are ready to return."

"Not all of us, I'm afraid."

Hawkman shook his head at the Knight. "Cyril, no...."

The Knight stepped forward. "My father fought alongside the Shining Knight during World War II. He stood tall and proud against the worst tyranny the world ever knew. He did it for Britain and for the world. If we leave here, we condemn this one proud girl and all the other representatives of their species to a living Hell. The Overmaster will move on to other worlds and destroy them as well. All those who died will have died in vain. We must stay behind and help them."

The Fox grasped his arm. "Do not be a fool, Cyril! If we leave you behind, we may never find you again!"

"It's true -- navigating Hypertimelines is hard. They're constantly overlapping -- I may not be able to home in on you in the future." Waverider tried to stress each word, impressing his meaning on the Knight. Stay here and you're lost.

"I have to do this. My entire life I've tried to live up to my father's memory... He wouldn't shirk his duty here. He'd stay and fight for freedom. He'd make sure that the name of England was always remembered."

"You don't have to do this..." Tora had moved close.

"My lady, I do have to do this." Turning back to Constance, he said "Tell Julie that I love her dearly."

"I... I will."

Amidst the flurry of goodbyes that ensued, Waverider cleared his throat. "We have to go. If I return with you, I'll be the seventh person. That should be enough to re-align the balance and restore heroism to our reality."

"We're ready, I think." The Crimson Fox led the others into a tight circle around Waverider. "Good luck, Tora. I'll tell Bea about you."

Whatever Ice and the Knight may have said next was lost in a rush of energy. Waverider and the Justice Squadron were going home.


The Secret Society sat assembled around an opulent table in the White House, the Mirror Master having propped his feet up on the top. "So what next?"

The Ultra-Humanite leaned forward. "There are still other villains to contend with, ones who would threaten our control. First on our list of people to neutralize is Luthor -- he's too intelligent and may prove to be a thorn in our sides."

Star Sapphire smiled. "I'll take care of him tomorrow."

"Take Signal Man with you. We don't want any mistakes."

Signal Man looked up from his hands, where he'd been admiring the diamond-studded rings that he's stolen earlier in the day. Each finger was adorned by at least two of them. "Hmm? Oh, right. No mistakes."

"Your biggest mistake was in thinking this idiotic plan was actually going to work!"

Every villain in the room looked towards the doorway, where the Justice Squadron stood. The Crimson Fox's claws glinted in the light. "I think this is where ze villains realize that ze plan has gone to ze dogs!"

Fel Andar stood so quickly that his chair toppled over. "But, if you're here then--"

"Then all the world's heroes are back. Yes. The League, the Titans and all the others are busy dealing with the others now. But we requested the honor of dealing with you." Hawkman sprang into the air, his mace raised.

Fel Andar joined him, and the battle began in earnest.

The Elongated Man stretched his arms around the Signal Man's head. "No light-games this time, kiddo. Just think of it in baseball terms..." Ralph slammed Signal Man head first into the table again and again. "...One, Two and Three Strikes, You're Out!"

Revenant, meanwhile, had batted away the Mirror Master's hand-held weapon. "McCulloch, you and I were much the same once. But I've been to Hell and back -- while you, well you're about to get a taste of damnation!" Revenant's eyes went black before revealing their secrets to the Mirror Master.

His screams were blood-curdling.

The two Thanagarians rolled and tumbled through the air, their fury breathtaking to behold. Blood flew as each tore open wounds. It was obvious to anyone who watched that there was a lot of history between the two.

Katar slammed his mace against Fel Andar's cheek, crushing his jaw. "You've grown soft and decadent, Andar! Be glad that I'm merciful this day and allow you to live!"

Fel Andar felt the blazing pain in his jaw but it was the next blow that did him -- a strong uppercut that sent Andar crashing to the floor.

Godiva whipped her hair around Amber's throat, choking the air from her before the girl could exude her natural defense. The British heroine slammed the young villainess against the wall for good measure.

The Crimson Fox dodged several energy blasts from Star Sapphire, tossing off insults in French that would have brought a blush to most people's faces. With an almost savage roar, she jumped onto Sapphire's legs, slashing with her claws. The battle came to an abrupt end when a distracted Sapphire flew into the roof and knocked herself out.

During the battle, the Ultra-Humanite had tried to sneak away -- but found his path blocked by the youthful Maya. "Girl, we've played this game before. Now go away before you get broken...."

Maya shook her head. Her face was still puffy and bruised from their last encounter, but her eyes were filled with a cold fire. "No. All my life I've been dominated by people like you. My parents and their cult, the Immortal, the Overmaster and now you. I'm sick of people thinking that they can take me in and turn me into something I'm not! My name is Chandi Gupta. I'm not Shiva! I'm not going to turn into some evil being, either! Do you understand?!"

The rising tone in Maya's voice was accompanied by wisps of flame and water that circled the air about her. Even her own teammates looked up in amazement as Maya raised both hands and fired twin bursts of water and fire.

Steam surrounded the Ultra-Humanite as the blast knocked him clean through the opposite wall. In a smoking heap, he fell silent in the Oval Office.

Maya stood there, shaking. Her breath came in great heaves and she stumbled forward as the tears came. Sometimes it was easy to forget that, for all her great power, she was still so young.

Katar caught her as she sobbed. "There, there, little one. It's over."

In Justice Squadron # 10 : The Justice Squadron's profile has gone sky-high after saving the world -- and they've attracted the attention of the high-and-mighty Justice League of America! Does this mean that the Squadron will finally be accepted by the League? Will we see a rebirth of either Justice League Europe or the JLI? Be here to find out!


It's over. "Evil, Revealed" wraps up plotlines introduced in our very first issue and hopefully will re-establish the Secret Society as a force to be reckoned with in the DCL Universe. It would be nice to see the Ultra-Humanite clash with the JSA again, wouldn't it? Pass a note on to Tim Hartin and ask real nice. :-)

Writing a series with a cast this large is difficult. Some people get more focus in a particular issue than others, but I'll try to vary the spotlight. Look for Godiva to get some attention soon.

Keep in touch,

Barry Reese