MV1 Presents ... Canada's Premiere Super Hero Team!!! APR.




written by Mark Bousquet

The Story Up Till Now ... Alpha Flight was forced by the Master into hunting down and killing their former teammate, the supposedly dead MARRINA! But instead of finding Marrina, they found a young, Plodex/Human girl that claimed to be Marrina's daughter, named Aquanea. After hiding her existence from the Master, they have taken her under Alpha Flight's wing, even though no decision has yet been made to reform Alpha. Aurora fled during the battle and has yet to return.
GUARDIAN - James MacDonald Hudson; Mac was the founder of ALPHA and has been de-aged by Dept. H back to 19 years old under mysterious circumstances
VINDICATOR - Heather Hudson; estranged wife of Mac and sometime leader of ALPHA who's seen her husband die and return to life; has doubts about Mac's authenticity
SHAMAN - Michael Twoyoungmen; Shaman of Sarcee Tribe and accomplished surgeon who has at different times abandoned science for magic and magic for science
PUCK - Eugene Milton Judd; a long time adventurer who is considered the soul of ALPHA; has loved Heather from afar for years; Puck is a dwarf
SASQUATCH - Dr. Walter Langkowski; accomplished scientist and athlete, Walt can transform himself into a sasquatch and back with just a thought
AURORA - Jeanne-Marie Beaubier; suffers from a split personality between the reserved Jeanne-Marie and the outgoing Aurora, twin sister of Northstar
RADIUS - Jared Corbo; arrogant and impulsive, recruited from Hull House orphanage into ALPHA by the Mac regressing Dept. H, older half-brother of Flex
FLEX - Adrian Corbo; quiet and reserved, recruited from Hull House orphanage into ALPHA by the Mac regressing Dept. H, younger half-brother of Radius
MURMUR - Arlette Trufault; third new ALPHA recruit by Mac regressing Dept. H who enjoys flaunting her sexuality
BOX - Madison Jeffries; transmutor of metal, glass and plastic, has become BOX armor after the death of it's inventor and friend, Roger Bochs, wife of Diamond Lil
DIAMOND LIL - Lillian Crowley; one-time member of criminal Omega Flight who later joined ALPHA, wife of Madison Jeffries
Shelly Holmes - Langkowski's research assistant who has tagged along on the adventure, has demonstrated "ice" powers but the full extent is not known
AQUANEA - possibly the daughter of Marrina who was being used to breed more Plodex by Apocalypse; rescued by Alpha, who is unaware of the connection to Apocalypse
JACQUES CLOUVERE - the new head of Department H and political outcast of the Canadian Premier; desperate to regain his political power


written by Mark Bousquet


"What do you mean, you're dead?!?"

Shaman's voice was both harsh and confused as he stared into the eyes of what looked like a very alive Snowbird. They were together under the stars, Michael laying on his back on the cold earth and Narya standing beside him, watching.

"There is no trickery in my words, old friend," Snowbird said softly.*

* Words she spoke in ALPHA 132

"If you are dead," Shaman asked, "how is it that you stand before me, as a physical being?"

"You envoked the Great Spirit, so I came, as I always have," Snowbird replied simply, wrapping herself in her white cloak.

"I am … not understanding, Snowbird."

"I have gone to another plane, old friend," she explained quietly. "I have become something … more."

"What is it that has happened to you, Narya?" he asked gently. "To your husband and son, as well?"

"They are fine," Snowbird smiled. "As am I."

"Yet you give me no answers. You claim death, but you are back on the mortal plane," he pointed out, again, looking at the camp around him. A small fire burned it's final embers, providing little light or warmth.

"Only for now, Shaman. Only for now."

"Why have you come back, then? To visit?"

Snowbird looked at the man she considered her greatest friend in all the world. A smile almost crossed her thin lips.

"I am on a mission from my parents, the gods. Nelvanna, she who is my mother, Hodiak, he who is my grandfather and the nameless Shaper of Worlds have sent me back to Earth to call upon your help. Though it pains them to admit their weakness," Narya let a smile pass, "they require Alpha Flight's assistance."

"The great Beasts will return, then?" Shaman asked, frowning. The gods had rejected Narya's love of humanity once, and the very fact that they had allowed her to return portrayed to him the severity of the problem that must be coming. "The eternal enemy of the gods will rise once more?"

Snowbird turned to Shaman and looked him hard in the eyes. She needed to know that he understood the gravity of the situation perfectly. "I could tell you that the trials that are coming far outweigh the danger of the Great Beasts, Michael, but too often in these days as the turn of the century approaches are people given to unwarranted hyperbole. I fear that the danger we face would be misunderstood. No, Michael, you are too dear to me for me to chance misunderstanding.

"I will tell you only this and you shall find out what kind of danger the Great North faces when it arrives.

"To face the danger that's coming, Shaman … we may call on the Great Beasts … as allies."


Alpha Flight stood, reunited, in the ruins of the Department that was created for their founder, James MacDonald Hudson. They all looked uneasily at the white snow owl that sat upon a piece of fallen concrete.

Guardian, Vindicator, Sasquatch, Puck, Madison Jeffries, Diamond Lil, Radius, Flex and Murmur, all members of past incarnations of Alpha Flight stood with the new head of Department H, Jacques Clouvere and Shelly Holmes, a young woman who was Walter Langkowski's research assistant and, Alpha had learned, wielded powers of her own.* They were all uncertain on how to proceed now that the Master had left them to themselves. Most stared at the ground, or made pointless small talk in hushed tones. Walter couldn't keep his eyes from darting to Shelly and the Leafjet and back.

* Walt found out in 131, the rest last issue

"Alpha Flight is dead, so don't get any ideas about reforming," Clouvere announced finally, but gently. "The Canadian government will not spend another cent to fund the Alpha project, so feel free to go back and do whatever it is you'd been doing before everyone came here."

"Why don't you stick it, eh?" Puck asked. "Nobody likes a party pooper. Wait until after we've had the sausage and beer before bringing us down."

"Puck, you shouldn't talk to Mr. Clouvere like that," Guardian spoke harshly, "if we want to get Alpha Flight back up and-"

"Puck's right," Vindicator interjected, speaking as if Guardian wasn't there, directly to Clouvere. "We've got no intention of reforming Alpha Flight, anyway." She glanced at the owl as she said it, the owl staring back at her.

Heather's words sat in the cool air for a moment, none wanting to speak against her. But they were all having stirrings inside them. For some, like Puck and Walter, Alpha provided the adventures they craved. For others, like Madison and, ironically, Walter, Alpha provided a great place to do research, though, admittedly, if there wasn't any government money coming in …

"Actually, Heather," Sasquatch added, his voice low, "Alpha has at least one more mission in them. We've got to find out what happened to Aurora when we were in Ross.* Where'd she go and why didn't she come back? She could be hurt."

* See ALPHA # 132

"You're right, of course," Heather nodded, "but we don't need to go find her as Alpha Flight."

"There's no money for Alpha Flight, as it is," Clouvere spoke up again. "Ms. Hudson certainly has the right idea. There is no Alpha Flight. The government isn't going to suppor-"

"We don't need the government. We have the land." The assembled mass turned to look in the direction of the snow owl, but there was no owl sitting upon a slab of concrete.

There was only Snowbird.

"Alpha Flight will fly again," she said confidently, her cloak pushed forward around her legs by the breeze, daring anyone to defy her. None did.


Maverick knelt on the bathroom floor in his motel room, coughing up blood, feeling like he was going to die.

The Legacy Virus that racked his body held him in a tight, unbreakable grip, swinging on it's own pendulum. There were times when the Virus was in remission and times when it hit him with everything it had. But it was clearly getting worse, the attacks coming if not more frequently, than certainly more violently.

David North always felt silly at times like this, clearly dying and yet still trying to continue on with his life as a freelance mercenary. 'But a just one,' he somehow smiled through blood-tainted vomit. If you were dying, he felt, it was best to do all that you could with what you had for as long as you had it.

He rinsed his mouth out with a cup of water that sat on the broken tiled floor beside him, and shook his head to clear the fog.

He rose to his feet and walked back into the main bedroom. He had to get to Alpha Flight. The files he had taken from Hagani Tsu* contained all sorts of information on Alpha Flight. He knew what kind of food they liked, what their favorite music was, what size bra the female members wore … he had everything. From full reports on their complete powers to thorough psychological profiles.

* Alpha Flight # 132

That wasn't why he wanted to get to them, however. It was the Guardian file that really struck him. The things Department H had done, the way they pushed certain situations, the things they had told him and the others …

Maverick shook his head. There were some things a man needed to know about himself.


Snowbird stood before them, another supposedly dead teammate returned to them.

Everyone blinked.

Snowbird was gone and the snow owl was back, as if Narya had never been there.

"We're following the bird," Puck spoke solemnly. "At least, I am. Anyone who wants to come with me can." He looked up at Heather, who looked down at him with a frown on her face. "Sorry, Heather," he said strongly, "but to some of us, Alpha means a heck of a lot. It's home, in it's way, with it's share of good times and bad times. I'd like to go back there again, but first, I want to find out what's going on with Narya. And Aurora" He looked everyone in the eye in turn. "Anyone else?"

No one said a word as they were all forced to come to the decision that they had been pondering since they first all came together here at the ruins.*

* In ALPHA 131

"Fine, go ahead," Clouvere dismissed them. "You want to play heroes without the government's approval, go ahead. We won't stop you, but we're not going to help you, either. But," he added with finality, "Radius, Flex, Murmur and Guardian are coming with me. They're still under contract with the Canadian government."

The four that were mentioned all looked like they wanted to say something, but they didn't. Words stuck in their throat. Puck thought Guardian was going to explode the way he eyeballs bulged. Clouvere's statement served to close the ranks on both sides and as Puck walked towards the Leafjet, the remaining members of Alpha Flight followed, with the exception for Heather, who stayed stuck in the middle.

"If you leave with the Leafjet, I'll have you arrested," Clouvere announced. "Look, I don't want to be a hardass here. I appreciate the things Alpha Flight has done for Canada, but as the head of Department H I can't very well let you walk out of here with a Leafjet. Those are top of the line Omnijets, you know. They cost fifty million dollars apiece."

Alpha looked back at him and smiled. "Madison?" Puck asked, grinning.

"Not a problem, Puck," Madison smiled, looking at the Leafjet and concentrating. He wondered if Clouvere could see the pair of yellow eyes that looked back at them from out of one of the Leafjet's windows, Quickly, almost effortlessly and with great concern for that pair of eyes in the window, the Leafjet turned into a pile of broken metal and wires. "Whoops," he said back to Clouvere, guess no one gets to use this Leafjet."

"And that's a shame, eh?" Puck asked, grinning. He didn't like Clouvere at all. While he was lying strapped to a cold, metal table in the Master's spacecraft, Puck had heard enough from Clouvere to not trust him. He was too much a government man.

"Fine," Clouvere cracked a smile, "take the Leafjet. Consider it your going away present." He paused, then added. "Just don't reassemble it until I leave. Wouldn't want to put that in my report."

"This is silly!" Guardian shouted suddenly, his mind torn between his loyalty to Alpha and his loyalty to the government. "We should be working together, not against one another. Guys, Mr. Clouvere, we can still work this out."

Clouvere looked at Guardian and shook his head. "No, Guardian, we can't. Department H is already undergoing a search for the next first line of defense of Canada. Something that is more trustworthy than Alpha, something that will not seek to undercut our wishes on Parliament Hill."

"I'm going with Alpha Flight, then," Guardian announced, to the surprise of just about everyone. Puck had thought this de-aged Mac was too much a company man to ever turn his back on his government's wishes. Mac didn't know why he did what he did, he knew deep down inside of him that he owed his very existence to the Canadian government, and the only member of Alpha that he really felt anything for was Heather, the one person who hadn't moved to the Leafjet. He turned to look at Vindicator and saw, much to his surprise, that she had a wide grin on her face.

"You will not-"

"He will," Heather interrupted Clouvere. "Who's going to stop us? You? The three rookies that stand beside you?"

"Hey, this chicken boy wants to go with the old-timers, let him," Radius scoffed. "Boy can't hold a candle to me, anyway."

"Jared, you shouldn't say things-"

"Stuff it, Flex."

Clouvere locked eyes with Vindicator, motioning with his hand for Radius to shut up. He was determined to not let the situation get away from him. He needed to have the upper hand. It was the politician's way. "As of this moment, Alpha Flight and Department H have officially cut all ties." He looked at Guardian. "We're not through, you and me. Not by a long shot."


Alpha Flight tried to relax, but they were all wound too tightly to find any comfort in their moment of rest. Puck and Walter manned the controls of the Quinjet based craft, while Madison and Diamond Lil sat behind them, holding hands. Shelly Holmes sat next to them, not saying anything. She wanted a nice hot bath to melt away the dirt she felt inside of her at killing the … creature she had in Ross.* It didn't matter to her that the creature was some kind of vile, alien killing machine. In the entirety of her life, Shelly had never killed anything above a fly and it bothered her. She didn't care if it made sense to anyone but her because that's the way she felt inside. Further back, Guardian and Vindicator were in the back compartment, with the Leafjet's guest.

* Last Issue

"What do you make of all this, eh?" Puck asked Walter as he pointed out the window to the snow owl that they followed.

"Are you talking about a Leafjet at full throttle not being able to catch a snow owl, or just our situation in general?" Walter answered, too tired to break a smile.

"Bit of both, eh?" the dwarf answered. "But I'm more talking about all of us being called together and what it holds for the future."

"Who can say?" Walter sighed, staring at the bird in front of them. "I guess we won't find out until that snow owl finishes taking us wherever it wants us to go."

"Which, I'm betting," Madison piped in from behind them, "leads us right to Shaman."

"That wouldn't surprise me," Puck nodded. "But I don't think Shaman had anything to do with the Master."

The sat in silence for a few moments, but none of them asked the question that was on their minds. Finally, it was Shelly who spoke up. "So … does this mean that Snowbird is alive?"

"I suspect we won't know that until we land," Puck added. "But Narya's half a goddess, so who knows? Maybe their afterlife works a bit different, eh?"

Shelly blinked. "Excuse me? Snowbird is a half-goddess?"

"Yeah," Puck, Walter and Madison answered together.

"Like a real goddess?"

"Yeah," Diamond Lil answered, annoyed. "What's so tough to figure out about that?"

Shelly looked at them like they were insane. "Does this mean … that Thor …?"

"Yep," Puck answered, smiling. "The one and only."

Shelly leaned back and shut her eyes. "And I thought big green dogs were weird … Jesus …"

"Haven't met him, sorry," Puck joked and the members of Alpha Flight enjoyed a nice, comfortable laugh. Only Walt's laugh was forced and that was because he couldn’t stop wondering just what it was that had happened to Aurora.


Hagani Tsu was tired, but in a pleasant disposition as he was driven through the streets of the city of his birth. He loved Montreal above all other cities, even to this day. There was no place in the world where he felt more alive.

The private jet that had brought him here from Singapore was a magnificent craft and he had slept well enough for a plane. Though he had a penthouse suite waiting for him, he felt the pull of the city's night life calling to him. Sleep could wait.

Tsu had the chance to do one of the things he enjoyed most in the world, combine business and pleasure. That had led him here, to the Club D'enfer, the most private gentlemen's club in the entire city, where Tsu was one of the most important members.

He walked through the elegant entranceway and past the guards at the front gate, one of the few who could pass through freely. He went immediately upstairs and to the main lounge, where there was sure to be expensive wine and women waiting for him as the Montreal elite talked business or sport or pleasure, unwinding from a hard day of making millions.

As he walked through the second floor's entryway he was surprised to hear boisterous singing coming from the main lounge ahead of him. Even more surprising was that it was the singing of a female, a species rarely found inside the club except as maid, serving girl or prostitute.

'Well,' he added, smiling, 'there are some powerful women here …' Tsu wasn't talking about the woman that was standing on the grand piano in the main lounge as the twenty to thirty men gathered there swooned about her, but he could have. "Huh," he said aloud, stopping in his tracks, "isn't this quite the sight?"

Twirling about the main lounge of the Club D'enfer, holding the men in the palm of her hand, was Aurora.


Guardian and Vindicator both had their masks off as they stood in darkness in the back chamber of the Leafjet, but both were finding it hard to think of the other as Mac and Heather. They had been married once, before Mac died* and before Department H had apparently de-aged him.**


** ALPHA FLIGHT v2 # 1

Now … Mac wasn't the Mac Heather knew and Heather wasn't the Heather that Mac's insides told him she was. It was odd and awkward and both of them wished they could come to some kind of a resolution. Heather looked hard with quick glances at the nineteen year old boy, hating him. Not because he was a bad person but because she had loved Mac with all her heart and soul and this … person standing in front of her looked like a mockery of that man. She hated him, too, because he was everything that was wrong with Department H the last time they had been brought together. There were times, like just now when he chose Alpha over Dept. H that Heather thought this might really be Mac, but then she wondered if the real Mac really would have picked Alpha over the wishes of the government.

The person standing in front of them, keeping to the shadows even in this darkened chamber, knew nothing of this, but then, she knew little about anything.

Her name, they had learned from her, was Aquanea, but beyond that, she hadn't been able to tell them much else. They knew she had been used to breed, but she couldn't recall how many times or how many offspring she had given birth to. She had said that Marrina was her mother, but she didn't know that for a fact. It was only what "the Master" had told her.*

* But as we saw last issue, "the Master" isn't exactly the Master, is he?

Alpha Flight had volunteered to take her with them and she had accepted. But she hadn't said much since then. She hated the light and was terrified of people. She tried to reach out to the group, but Heather had to admit that it wasn't an easy time for anyone new to be hanging around with Alpha Flight. What was going to happen to Aquanea, she wondered, when everyone realized that there was going to be no Alpha Flight? Heather wouldn't leave her alone, she knew that, but was bringing her to live with her at her house in the suburbs of Toronto really that much better?

"Do you want something to eat, Aquanea?" Heather asked, taking a cautious step forward.

"N-no, thank you," Aquanea answered, her body starting to shake violently.

"We can get you anything," Mac offered.

"I-I can't," she whined. "If I eat something, I … I turn into that creature."*

* As established last issue, Aquanea's first appearance

"What about vegetables? Fruits? Breads?"

"No!" Aquanea screamed in terror. "The Master told me that eating anything but live flesh will kill me!"

Heather and Mac looked at each other, exchanging doubtful looks. Heather offered gently, "'Nea, he could have been lying to you. Why don't we try something small, like a slice of bread to-"

"No!" the girl's scream was so fearful that Heather and Mac each took a step backwards. Aquanea slipped even further towards the back of the ship. Her shaking was now so violent that they worried she might seriously hurt herself.

"I've got to admit, Guardian, that I'm a little stumped here how to proceed next."

"Guardian? Not Mac? You can't even call me by me real name, Heather?" Guardian asked pointedly, realizing much to his surprise that he was actually feeling a great deal of emotional hurt. He knew he should be focused on how best to help Aquanea, but with all the Alpha Flight/Department H stuff rolling around in his head he was confused and angry and he needed an outlet to vent.

"You're not Mac," Heather replied, watching Aquanea the whole time. "Not my Mac, at least." She shuddered, thinking about the dream she had back before this adventure started.*

* ALPHA FLIGHT 131 - Dream Weaver Biscuit

"But I am," Mac answered, exasperated. "I'm just younger than I used to be. But I'm still the Mac you knew … still the Mac that you loved."

"No." She turned to look at his face. "If you really were Mac, I'd know it somehow. But you're not - you're some travesty Dept. H has foisted upon us to try to keep us in line. You may look like Mac, but you're not the man I fell in love with. You haven't got his memories."

"I do, Heather," he almost pleaded. "I can remember most of what happened. Not everything, of course, but most of it."

"It doesn't matter," Heather turned to look at him. "Even if you've got the memories, you don't have any of the emotions that go along with them."

"How can you say that, Heather?" Mac pleaded. "How can you know that?"

"I just know it," Heather said. "I'm sorry, Guardian. I don't blame what you are on you, but you're not my husband. I just know it."

"Then who am I?"

"I don't know."

"Then maybe you should help me find out just who or what I am," Guardian snapped. "Unless, of course, you like to have something to feel sorry about."

Heather shot him a look of daggers, but said nothing.


The Leafjet landed, Alpha Flight somehow knowing this is where they'd be able to get some answers.

They exited the craft, smiling as they saw Shaman waiting for them. The snow owl they followed was nowhere to be found and he brushed aside the immediate question about Snowbird with the response, "All will be revealed in time." Greetings were made all around and Shaman was introduced to Shelly Holmes. Michael looked at the young girl with the blue hair and the defiant chin and nodded. "You are of the land. This is good."

"Huh?" Shelly asked.

"Never mind him," Puck grinned, "he's always like that."

Shaman looked over the group assembled before him. "It is with mixed emotions that you have been summoned here, my friends. I'm afraid that not even I can tell you the full reasons why Alpha Flight has been called, only that is for a time not yet come, but one that must be prepared for. But before I say anything more, I must know, who amongst you will once again serve in Alpha Flight?"

Heather frowned. This was just what she didn't want to hear. She didn't want back in the life, no matter what the cause. She looked at Guardian and her thoughts changed. 'Or is it that I just don't want to be here with … that Mac?'

"I will, eh?" Puck took a step forward. "Not that there's anything surprising in that. If you need me, Shaman, you can count me in, whether it's with Alpha Flight or anything else."

"Very well, friend Puck," Shaman nodded.

"Count me in, as well," Walt nodded. "So long as we try to find Aurora." He turned to Shelly, "I'm sorry, Shell, I know this messes up the research we've been doing, but-"

"Don't sweat it," Shelly grinned. "I want to stay."

"Absolutely not," Walt shook his head. "This is too dangero-"

"She will stay," Shaman said strongly, surprising them. "All will be needed and she will be trained to use the burgeoning power inside of her."

Walt wanted to disagree, but he didn't, figuring it was ultimately for the best, no matter how much he may have been against the idea. "So, what, does this mean Beta Flight gets started up again, as well?"

"Names are not important to me," Shaman replied. "She will be trained, that is all that is needed to be known."

"I want in," Guardian announced.

Shaman looked at the de-aged Mac and nodded solemnly. "Your place is with us."

"I've got to be honest with you," Madison said, locking hands with his wife, "we're not real crazy about the whole idea. We don't want to leave you short handed, but … well, we like living a normal life. We've talked about raising a family and well, the more we're here, the more there's a risk that we won't see those dreams come to pass."

Diamond Lil nodded, "But if you need us …"

Shaman studied them carefully. "You will be drawn into this conflict before it is over, but if your heart is elsewhere than you should not stay."

"I can whip up some things before I go," Madison offered. "Whatever you need, just say so. And we'll help when you need us, but for right now, I don't think being a superhero is what we both need. Especially since Lil is- er, never mind."

"Lil is what?" Puck asked, smiling.

"Don't start with me, Puck," Lil threatened, then softened. "No reason to hide it. I'm trying to become pregnant. We've been trying, that is. A family is what we really want more than anything right now."

Shaman nodded to them, "Your decision is wise then and I wish you well." He turned to look at the rest of the group. "There is only one more that needs to answer. Heather?"

All eyes turned to Vindicator as she sighed loudly. She looked at them, her oldest friends in the world and thought about Shelly and Aquanea. They needed training, but did Heather want to be responsible for bringing them into this world of super powered beings? It was a tough, often unfair, life. How many heroes had died during her time with Alpha Flight? Mac, Marrina, Snowbird, plus her husband and son, Roger Bochs, Walter (though he came back and changed into a woman …)

But in the end, there was only one thing she could say, "I'm in. If the world needs saving, who better to do it than Alpha Flight?"

Alpha Flight smiled. They were back.


The Sarcee reservation had no television or radio, but Madison promised he'd whip some up before he and Lil left for home. Guardian woke early, sleep never really doing him any good, and headed outside from the cabin he shared with the male members of the group into the cold morning air.

He was startled as he looked down through a path in the trees to see Shelly stripping off all of her clothes in front of a small pond. 'Is she crazy?' he asked himself. 'That water has got be close to freezing.' He tried to make himself turn away before she was completely disrobed, but he told himself he had to watch just to see if she would actually jump in. She did. He pulled his eyes away before she turned around and caught him staring at her.

Guardian walked towards the cabin Michael used as a doctor's office, figuring that was his best chance at getting some breakfast. He frowned. He wasn't really all that hungry, but it was morning and so, he figured, he should eat breakfast. It only made sense.

He saw, somewhat to his surprise, that a newspaper was sitting on the front steps. 'Guess Michael has to stay in touch with the rest of the world somehow.' He unfolded it and couldn't believe what he saw. His jaw dropped and his eyes popped wide open.



By Christophe Darras

ONTARIO -- In a move that is sure to send shockwaves across the globe, the Canadian government has announced a treaty with none other than Magneto, the most feared and hated mutant on the planet.

"We are pleased to announce a treaty with Magneto that will benefit both Canada, mutantkind and humanity in general," the Prime Minister announced before a stunned crowd late last night. "As the world becomes ever more violent and as acts of terror become ever more frequent and ever more closer to home, this treaty takes a big step in insuring the protection of the Canadian people."

Details of the Magnus Accord were laid out in broad terms, but the highlights of the plan are almost amazingly simple, leaving seasoned political minds scratching their heads and wondering just what else is involved in the deal. The Magnus Accord centers on a one-for-one trade-off between Magneto and the Canadian government.

Starting tomorrow, the Valley of Chance in northern Quebec will be turned over to Magneto to be run as a sovereign state under his control. The renamed Magneto Territories will become a haven for mutants to live separate from humanity under the direct control of Magneto, but answerable, to a degree, to the Canadian government.

In exchange for this barren wasteland of mostly snow and ice, Magneto has agreed to become, as the Prime Minister put it, "Canada's last line of defense."

The so-called Master of Magnetism was surprisingly subdued during the public signing of the Accord and offered only one simple statement, "I have long said that my primary concern is giving mutantkind a chance to live their life in safety away from those who hate and fear us. This, perhaps, will give us a place to do just that."

While speculation ran wild that the Magneto Territories would become a haven for the former allies of Magneto and that he would take this opportunity to build a new criminal empire to strike out against the world, the Prime Minister flatly denied the possibility.

"Admission into the Magneto Territories is not guaranteed. No former criminals will be allowed except in the most unusual of circumstances. This will be a land of peace. This is not a place for villains to go for asylum, this is a place for the so-called 'normal' mutants to come and live in peace, raising their families without fearing for the lives of their children. This is for the mutants who work as dentists or lawyers or doctors and yearn only for the same things we all want."

When asked if this means that the Canadian government has given up on Alpha Flight, special liaison to the Magneto Territories Jacques Clouvere stated, "The Canadian government would like to thank Alpha Flight for their years of great service to the Canadian people, but as the threats of this violent new age grow ever more frequent and ever more closer to home, we need to assure our people that we are doing everything we can to protect them.

"We feel that having Magneto as our last line of defense will put us on par with the United States in terms of having a strong defense."

Clouvere continued, stating, "To aid Magneto in this process, the Canadian government has created a new Omega Flight, the line-up of which will be announced at a separate press conference in a few days."

Due to the lateness of the press conference, global reactions have yet to come in.

Alpha Flight could not be reached for comment.



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Reactions of the Magnus Accord pour in as the world wonders just what is it that Magneto is planning! What is the Master of Magnetism thinking? You will not believe the two people responsilbe for Magneto's decision!

-- Mark … 25.May.1999

Send comments to Northern Bear Productions