Starring the


Written by Jeff Melton

Fantastic Four created by Jack Kirby & Stan Lee
Thor created by Jack Kirby, Larry Lieber, & Stan Lee

[Continuity Note: This story takes place between Fantastic Four #435 and 436...JM]

As the Thing walks into the room, he sees Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic, standing in front of the large scanner showing the Negative Zone. The screen is very large, taking up an entire wall of the experimentation room in which Reed is standing. Reed is completely surrounded by complex machinery, as the Thing continues to walk towards his friend. Reed is busy typing on a keyboard, as his eyes alternately look at the keyboard and at the large scanner in front of him.

"Whatcha doin', Reed?" the Thing asks. He looks around the room, shaking his head in disbelief. "Reed, I ain't seen so many doohickeys since those old Flash Gordon shows I useta watch at the matinee." Then, Ben thinks to himself: "Just like Reed! Any normal guy would be packin' for their trip right now---especially considerin' that they're goin' to be headin' to Titan of all places! But not Reed! He can't slow down for more'n a second at a time!"

"What?", Reed asks, just now realizing that the Thing has entered the room. He turns to his old friend, pleased to see him in a better mood. Ben has been through a lot lately, and he knows the situation with Alicia bothers him, although he respects Ben enough not to "force" him to discuss it.

"Nothin' important, Reed.", the Thing responds. He picks up a small object that looks like a pen.

"You might want to put that down, old friend.", Reed suggests. "It is a very delicate monitoring device, which…"

"Okay, okay." Ben remarks. "If I gotta hear what it does, I'll just put it down." Putting the object back on the table beside Reed, Ben looks up at the large scanner. There are large rocks floating around through the black skies, with a tiny beacon of light in the distance. "Why're you lookin' at the Zone, Reed?"

"Actually, Ben," Reed starts to explain, "I have made a fantastic discovery that may greatly benefit mankind." Reed gestures at the large scanner, motioning toward the beacon of light in the distance. "There is an incredible amount of energy eminating from that point, my friend. I have been conducting various tests to determine the nature of the energy, and its capacity to be harnessed. I had initially considered the prospect of using the power source as a means of fueling the shuttle I'm designing for our trip to Titan. However, as I studied the phenomenon further, I discovered that it may have far greater potential..."

"I don't like where this is headin', Reed.", the Thing protests. "You know that the Negative Zone has always been nothin' but trouble!"

"I understand your apprehension, old friend," Reed replies, turning away from his experiments long enough to examine his friend. He is happy to see Ben break out of the highly irritated state he's been in lately. "However, you need to think of the advantages of a new power supply of this nature. I have been able to gauge its power in the past two weeks. Imagine a power source capable of powering a city for years…with no apparent ill effects. More tests must be done, of course, but…"

"Say no more!" Ben exclaims, putting his hand out in a motion to stop Reed's explanation. "I can see that this is one of your pet projects. Not only that, but I have a feelin' that you're getting' ready to launch into more complicated explanations. I think I'll just quit while I'm ahead."

"Good, Ben." Reed responds. Reed has always know that Ben was smarter than he let on, but he's never been one to refrain from entertaining his friend's way of doing things.

"Now, wait a minute!" Ben retorts. "I don't want you to think I support this mad scheme! I still say that the Zone is nothin' but trouble! Were you sleep-walkin' all these years, when we had all the trouble with those nut cases in there…wantin' to get out and wreck everything in sight?!"

"No, and I intend to take all the necessary precautions, old friend." Reed replies. "But, in order to get the final results, I will need to go into the Negative Zone and examine the power source more closely. There are some tests that…"

"I knew it!" the Thing exclaims, shaking his head. "And you want to go in there alone…don't you?!"

"I see no reason to put the rest of you in jeopardy, Ben." Reed replies. "I can run the necessary tests myself, and can be monitored from here, with the homing devices we have used witht he anti-matter packs in the past."

"Reed, I'd be a better choice for that!" Ben argues. "My rocky hide can take a lot more hits than yours!"

"Perhaps, Ben," Reed replies, "although I am capable of deflecting a lot of assaults myself. However, I have been monitoring this power source for weeks, and have no evidence of any attack. In addition, I can find no trace of any of our old enemies in the vacinity."

"Famous last words, Reed!" Ben responds. "I still say I should go in there."

"Ben, do you know how to operate the machine?" Reed asks.

"All right, all right!" Ben replies. "But, at the first sign of trouble, you'd better believe I'm goin' in there with you!"

"I'd expect no less, old friend." Reed smiles, placing his hand on the Thing's rocky shoulder.

Within moments, Reed is ready to enter the Negative Zone. He is wearing the anti-matter pack he developed for trips into the Negative Zone, complete the the monitoring device he added to it. He has a headset attached to his face. Johnny and Sue are in the room as well. Ben has the trans-barrier phone hooked up where Reed was conducting his experiments earlier. Reed is standing in front of the doorway to the Negative Zone, and Sue is standing with him. Johnny is behind her.

"Reed, are you sure you will be safe?" Sue asks, concerned for her husband's welfare. "Maybe we should go with you."

"I am certain that this will be safe, darling." Reed replies. "I can do this alone. You can remain here with Ben and monitor my progress."

"Good luck, Reed." Johnny offers, realizing how futile it is to argue with his brother-in-law.

Mr. Fantastic steps through the portal to the Negative Zone, leaving his comrades behind. As he enters the Negative Zone, he can feel the violent pressures from the Negative Zone. He has a small instrument in his hand.

"The energy readings…even from this distance…are phenomenal!" Reed exclaims. "This cosmic power source will live up to my expectations."

On the outside of the Negative Zone, Ben monitors Reed's progress on the machine, as Reed taught him. Johnny and Sue look on at the scanner, amazed at the sights held within the Negative Zone.

"Reed's not wasting any time going for that beacon." Johnny comments.

"Why should he, junior?" the Thing asks. "He knows he needs to be here to keep you in line!"

"I'll keep you in line, you big ape!" Johnny exclaims, his right fist blazing with flames.

"Any time, junior." Ben responds, a cocky smile on his face. "Just don't exert yourself!"

"Enough, you too!" Sue replies, exasperated. "Have you forgotten that Reed's in there?"

"Sure, Suzie," the Thing replies. "I…"

At that very moment, the large screen is illuminated with a brilliant light, which lights up the entire room, and makes the three heroes turn away, and shield their eyes…blinded by the sudden display! The blinding light illuminates the room, and incapacitates the heroes for several seconds.

"What was that?!" Johnny asks, shaking his head, and turning his attention to the screen. "Hey, look…!"

Ben is opening and closing his eyes, trying to re-gain his eyesight. "Easy for you to say, junior."

"Ben's right, Johnny." Sue replies. She is also blinking her eyes, trying to see more than spots and bright lights. "Your eyes are not as sensitive to light as ours, due to your powers. What do you see?"

"Nothing!" Johnny replies. "Nothing but the Zone itself!"

"Whaddaya mean, junior?!' the Thing asks, his eyesight returning as well, though the involuntary blinking response remains..

"Reed…he's GONE!!!" Sue exclaims, staring into the Negative Zone, but seeing only rocks and darkness. As the Thing rushes for the trans-barrier phone, Sue races out of the room. Johnny turns to follow her, but then turns to the Thing.

"Ben..did you see that?!" Johnny asks, frantically. "She couldn't take the strain!"

"Wise up, junior!" Ben responds, making adjustments in the machinery, trying to get a connection. "She's made of stronger stuff than that! Now, pipe down, and lemme see if I can get Reed on this contraption!"

"I hope he's right," Johnny thinks to himself, "but Sue's been through some problems in the past, especially the recent run-in with Reed's dad. Seeing her husband just disappear like that…!"

"Reed!" Ben bellows into the phone. "Reed! Can ya hear me!?"

Johnny looks at Ben with great anticipation. "Do you think you're going to find him, Ben?" Johnny asks, concerned.

"If I can't find him on this thing, I'll find him…even if I haveta tear the Negative Zone apart to do it!" Ben exclaims. Ben continues his efforts with the trans-barrier phone, as Johnny walks up to the large scanner, staring into the Negative Zone.

"He could be anywhere in the Zone…" Johnny thinks to himself. "…but I'd like to know what that blinding flash was. This whole thing smells like a big trap to me."

"I can't pick up a ()@^^ ^ thing with this contraption!!" Ben exclaims, throwing the phone down on the floor. "I don't care what happens…I'm goin' in there!!"

Meanwhile, in Sector 17 of the Negative Zone, Reed finds himself returning to consciousness, his hands and legs bound in metal restraints. He looks around, trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings.

"This place looks familiar, but I can't quite place it." Reed thinks to himself. He looks around, seeing complex machinery and various different lifeforms. "Of course!" Reed exclaims, recognizing some of the lifeforms. "I recognize this place. I've been here before! This is the home of…."

At that time, three familiar figures enter the holding area where Reed is being kept. The one in the forefront is…

"ANNIHILUS!!!" Reed exclaims. "And with you…Blastaar…and Terrax?!"

"Indeed, Richards." Annihilus replies, coldly. "Needless to say, our ploy to lure you here was successful."

"Lure me here?!" Reed asks. "So, you controlled the power source?! I should have suspected!"

"Yes, human, you should have..but you did not!" Blastaar replies, the angry scowl permanently etched upon his face.

"You and Blastaar have teamed-up in the past," Reed suggests. "But, I don't understand what Terrax's role is in all of this…or why he's even in the Negative Zone!"

"That is none of your concern, Richards!" Terrax responds, sharply. He is holding his cosmic axe, which is radiating with powerful energy.

"Our new friend, Terrax," Annihilus explains, "is trying to hide himself from his former master. And, after all, what better place than the Negative Zone to hide?" Annihilus thinks to himself: "Or so I have led the cretin to believe!" He then continues: "I suppose you are also wondering why your inferior sensors did not detect our presence. Terrax and myself were able to find a way to cloak ourselves from your primitive sensors."

"I see…and now…?" Reed asks, looking for answers.

"Now, we are all ready to leave this accursed place!" Terrax exclaims, striking his axe across a large rock, and cleaving it in two! "And you are going to help us leave!"

"You want me to help you back to the Earth…so you can unleash havoc on everything there!" Reed defiantly exclaims. "Are you all mad?!"

"You will help us out of this place, human…", Terrax proclaims, placing his cosmic axe close to Reed's face, threateningly, "…or you will find your molecules scattered across the cosmos!"

Meanwhile, back in the regular universe, the Thing and Johnny are preparing to enter the Negative Zone. The Thing is wearing a harness, and Johnny is rushing him along. "Hurry up, Ben!" Johnny exclaims. "We don't have all day!"

"Shut your yappin', ya loud-mouthed little punk!" the Thing retorts. "You're just lucky ya don't hafta wear one'a these things!"

"Yeah, yeah." Johnny replies. "Let's just get the show on the road, Ben! I'm tired of hearing your excuses!"
"Why, I oughta…!" The Thing exclaims, shaking his fist at Johnny.

"That's enough, you two." Sue says, entering the room. With her are one of Reed's robots and the mighty Thor! "We don't have time to bicker amongst ourselves."

"What are you doin' here, goldilocks?!" the Thing asks.

"Yeah!" Johnny exclaims. "Who said we need help from outsiders!"

"Don't kid yourselves, Johnny…Ben." Sue replies. "We don't know what's on the other side. And I'm not going to let your egos get in the way of finding Reed. Jennifer is out of the state doing a deposition for that class action lawsuit she's working on, and couldn't be reached. And Thor was kind enough to agree to help us out."

"'Tis true, my friends." Thor replies. "And I will gladly given mine assistance to thee, to help thee locate thine missing ally."

"All right, all right.", the Thing responds. "Just as long as ya don't get in the way."

While they have been talking, Sue has been putting on her own harness. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready to leave."

"What?!" Ben admonishes her. "We can't let you come along! It's too dangerous!"

"Come on, Ben." Sue replies. "This isn't the first time I've put my life on the line."

"But, who's going to monitor us, Sue?!" Johnny chimes in. "You need to be here for that." Johnny wouldn't admit it to Sue, but he's also concerned about what they'll find on the other side of the barrier, and doesn't want to put her in jeopardy either.

"That's what the robot is for, Johnny." Sue replies. "Now, let's stop making excuses and find Reed."

With that, the four heroes step into the portal leading to the Negative Zone, their bodies momentarily appearing as negative energy, as they go through the portal.

"Let us be on our way!" Thor proclaims proudly.

"Yeah, we got work to do, all right!" the Thing agrees.

"I just hope this is some mad scheme!" Sue thinks. "At least that way, we stand a good chance of finding Reed alive!"

To be continued….


Hello, everyone, and welcome to the first issue of Fantastic Adventures.

This mini-series is my third outing as a MV1 writer, and I'm pretty excited about it. Not only does it give me the chance to write the FF—who I've always liked—but it gives me an excuse to write Thor as well. :)

I'd like to thank Kell Carpenter and Tim Hartin for their support and with working with me to place this mini-series in continuity, and I'd also like to thank Matt Turnage for letting me use Thor.

I plan to run a letters page in the mini-series (which will run for three issues), giving the readers of this series a forum for their comments and suggestions. I welcome your letters. My e-mail address is .

Jeff Melton