by Mark Bousquet

"All I Want for Christmas is to Rule the World"



The recovery had taken longer than Prince Tytan had wanted. As he sat atop a transport vehicle, he couldn't help himself in his wish that he had never met El'kana, his bride to be. After his scientists had discovered the falling body, she had demanded that they not leave the Unthan Royal Hall before the five cultures that reside on the planet besides the Unthans were informed.

'Or rather,' he thinks to himself, as he gazes at her slim, blue-skinned frame, 'simply that she wasn't with me when the man of metal fell from the sky.'

"Are you cold, my betrothed?" Tytan asks as his eyes linger over El'kana's bare mid-riff and long, shapely legs.

"No, I'm fine. I'd rather be riding atop a Grimbash, of course, than this metal machine, but I can see why this is more ... practical." El'kana looks to the man she has been arranged to marry and smiles. She does not love him, and she doubts she ever will, but if she can assure peace for her people, than it is a small price to pay.

She looks around her, at the ten rolling machines that make up this convoy and wonders what they will gain from the Falling Man.

"Sire, we have visual contact with the body," a young field-lieutenant reports.

"Excellent," Tytan enthuses.

Ahead, in the distance, sun-light glints off a steel body lying in the sand, just waiting to be found.


"Who are these guys, again?" The Human Torch asks Spider-Man.

"The Elementals. They're a renegade faction of the Elements of Doom," Spider-Man deadpans.

"They are?" Torch asks, unbelieving.

"Heck, if I'm lying, then I was replaced for awhile by a clone of myself, mysteriously lost my powers for a bit, moved to Portland - Oregon, not Maine - then just as mysteriously regained them in time to replace my clone as the one true Spider-Man."

"Hrm," Torch thinks, watching the three men floating before them in the night-time sky. "Who are the Elements of Doom?"


"Ah, look, my comrades! Our arrival is welcomed by the presence of two of New York's heroes, the Human Torch and another!" Torch smiles at Spidey's snub - world-wide recognition is hard to come by. "They will provide excellent first victims!" bellows the leader of the group, a man dressed in a brown tunic, brown thigh-high boots and a brown cape.

"Right, sure," Johnny counters. "What was your name again? Magma?"

"No, Flame Brain, Magma was one of the New Mutants. And a female." Spider-Man interjects from his roof-top perch.

"Was she cute?"

"Silence! I am MAGNUM!!! I will soon rule this world and-!"

"Hey, he even kinda looks like Tom Selleck!" Johnny mentions to Spidey, turning away from the Elementals.

"You're right, he does! Wow! I wonder if it is Tom Selleck, he hasn't had a hit in a long - MOVE, Torch!" Spidey yells, leaping off the building he was standing on.

A burst of flame melts the roof-top where Spider-Man had been standing. The Torch hadn't even moved.

"Enough of your insolence! You will bow before the might of HELLFIRE!"

"Hey, that flaming trick is my thing, okay?" Torch taunts, staring down the Elementals.

Spider-Man has attached himself to the adjoining building and catcalls over, "Did he say he was born of Hellfire? Think he's related to Damion Hellstrom? Would that make him the Son of the Son of Satan?"

"Yeah, but look at his outfit? I mean, is that a Viking helmet or just a bowling trophy someone's twisted all around?" Johnny yells back as the Elementals seethe.

"What I want to know is what's with that third one? That's a lime green costume. Now that's ugly." Spidey turns semi-serious, "I wish he'd move, though, the way he's just floating there is kind of odd."

"That's because, you insufferable fools, he is about to bring about your doom!" Magnum screams.

"What, will Higgins find out you've dented the Ferrari? And do you have to yell?" Torch asks. "I mean, really, that's so-"

"Torch, move!" Spidey warns.

"Please. These three rejects can't touch me."

"Then look up, fool and face the power of Hydron!" Hellfire screams.

"Hah! Hydro-Man? I'm supposed to be afraid of Hydro-Man?" Torch laughs as he looks in Spidey's direction. "Hey, Spidey, how come you're not laughing? Don'tcha get it? Hydro-Man?"

All Spidey does is point up.

The Human Torch looks up and sees a collection of water coalescing in the air above him. It is roughly the size of a small building.

"Uh oh." The Torch starts to dash off, but the water is dropped onto him, dousing his flame. He starts to fall.



"You're pathetic!" Ben Grimm shouts at an unseen person. "You're a coward! A yellow-bellied coward. You ain't got the guts, ugly. You are the biggest loser this side of-"

"Is this some man thing I've never heard about?"

Ben turns to find the She-Hulk standing in his doorway, smiling devilishly. "What're you doin' here?! This is my private-"

"Ben, please, I just got lost. This new headquarters of yours is so confusing," Jen continues to smile.

"Confusing, Greenie? They've got one part of the building done. This part. You can't get lost here," Ben fumes.

"So why are you talking to yourself in the mirror?" Jen smiles, "It wouldn't have anything to do with a certain blind sculptress, would it?"

"You've got about five seconds to- hey, why're you wearing one of our uniforms?"

"Surprise. I'm back. Aren'tcha glad?" Jen beams at the stunned look on Ben's face.

"Well, who's leaving then?" Ben asks, confused.  "It ain't me, is it?  Well, is it?"



Metal boots clang on stone floors as they enter a room filled with monitors. To the side, we notice a large pinkish-red helmet and several small, purple disks. On the large, middle screen, Reed, Sue and Franklin Richards sit at a table, eating their dinner. Reed has one arm and one eye extended into another room.

As Reed's wayward left arm ginds it's way back to the table, Franklin turns to his mother and asks, "When's the new building gonna be done, Mommy?"

"Soon, dear." Sue answers, as Reed's two hands cut a piece of steak.

"Is Daddy going to rebuild the Space-Time room, Mom? I like watching the Negative Zone on the big screen," Franklin asks, oblivious to Reed's left arm extending back out of the room.

On the smaller screens on the left side, pictures of the Human Torch and Spider-Man play. The Torch has just been doused with water. On the right, Ben Grimm and the She-Hulk are matching what little wits they have, thinks the man of shadows.

The door behind him opens and a Doom-bot enters and hands it's master a goblet of wine. "All is prepared, Master."


Johnny Storm's fall towards the ground is halted when Spider-Man catches him in his webbing. "You okay, Torch?" Spidey asks.

"I'm fine," Johnny fumes, igniting again. "And I wouldn't have fallen to the ground."

"Hey, don't take that anger out- " Spidey starts, but the Human Torch has already rocketed off to find the Elementals.



With it's high-standing Cosmic Tower, the Storm Museum has quickly become an integral part of the New York sky-line. Built next to the ocean and during the time the heroes were presumed dead, the Storm Museum was financed by the Storm Foundation as a place to display various super-hero artifacts so that all the world has a place to come to celebrate the Marvels.

During the day, visitors come and go, displays come and go, workers come and go. There is only one human constant - Owen Reece, the Molecule Man.

Owen Reece is possibly the most powerful human in all creation with his ability to manipulate all forms of matter and energy. So why does he choose to toil as a curator for the Storm Museum? It is because, despite his vast powers, Owen Reece is a simple man with simple wishes and desires. And when Marsha Rosenberg, aka Volcana, aka the love of Owen's life, decided she wanted to live on the Hudson River, than Owen wanted to live there, too.

As he falls asleep in his bed at home, Owen again thanks the heavens that Nathaniel Richards thought of him for this job, at this time. It was like a miracle. And so soon after his identity was revealed to the world at large made living in his old home impossible ...

But Owen is a story for another time.

At this time, as it is at every time, the hallways of the Storm Museum are filled with HERBIE robots, designed by Nathaniel Richards. During the day, they float about, answering questions, giving directions, explaining exhibits. At night, they are a top-flight security force, equipped with all the gadgetries of some future century. Nathaniel knows which one, but he won't say. And the Storm Foundation doesn't really care. It is enough that they do their job and that they were built by a man they can trust.

Nathaniel Richards walks with a purpose through the hallways of the Storm Museum, an entirely frivolous and wasteful project in his eyes, but it's construction was not up to him. He tried to tell the Board that (via a videotaped request, he hasn't the time or want to meet with much of anyone in person), but they wouldn't listen.

They never do. You'd think, he tells himself for a time too many to count, that when a man who has seen the future tells you that a great evil is coming and that preparations need to be made, people would listen. But ... they ... never ... do. They laugh and mock and ask about the winners of elections and sports championships. As if they mean something. They don't. There is only one thing that is worth knowing about the future - the End is coming and only Franklin Richards can save it.

As Nathaniel winds his way through the "Dimension of Strange Tales", HERBIE robots float by, patrolling the grounds. They pay Nathaniel no notice - to their sensors, he doesn't exist ... unless Nathaniel chooses for them to recognize him. He smiles to himself. He told the Board that he would design security for the building, but he couldn't care less if the place was ripped from the ground, or if it's numerous artifacts were stolen. No, he did it for the simple reason that he wanted to take a creation of his son's - the HERBIE design - and turn it into a weapon of war.

Because the future will need plenty of weapons. And the more Nathaniel can hide amongst the societies of the world, the better.

Nathaniel enters the Earth's Mightiest Hallway, scoffing inwardly at the kitschy pomposity of it all. He passes through a row of paintings and statues, the latter commissioned, of course, from the always-around Alicia Masters.

To his right are statues of those who have served amongst the ranks of the Avengers: Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Wasp, Giant-Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision (smiling as he passes by, for reasons known only to himself), Quicksilver, Black Panther and lastly, Captain America.

On the left are more of the same: Wonder Man, Namor, Beast, Hercules, Black Knight, She-Hulk, Swordsman, Mantis, Ms. Marvel & Captain Marvel II.

As he approaches the statue of the Black Panther, he stops. "The Black Panther. The Totem of the Wakandans," Nathaniel scoffs, "it is a fact, T'Challa, that you will have to die. Your influence on Franklin will be the end of this world and it is a shame that killing you now would only make matters worse." He smiles, "Enjoy the last ten years of your life."

And with that, Nathaniel walks into Avengers Hall, down the Corridor of Golden Age Memories, through the Radiation Rotunda, across the Rainbow Bridge, into the Hall of Asgard, and then finally arriving at his destination, the Eternals Pavilion. He steps behind a large screen that during the day plays a video feature detailing the history of the Eternals & Deviants. Inside the video room, Nathaniel walks through a back door that leads into the hidden corridors that make up the internal organs of the Storm Museum.

After a few more minutes of walking, Nathaniel eventually comes to stand in a service area for the HERBIE bots.

"HERBIE 61, activate, complete Alpha programming," he says to the room of deactivated HERBIEs. One of the bots beeps to life and floats forward. As it comes to rest before Nathaniel, a panel slides open and a small cube is extended on a metal arm.

Nathaniel takes the chip and replaces it with a new one, "Continue surveillance programming, subject designate MM."

And that's when the alarms went off.



Rising high into the New York air is the Storm Museum's Cosmic Tower. Built with Kirby-Tech stylings, the Tower is a unique piece of the skyline. Sitting atop the Tower is the Cosmic Observatory, where visitors can view distant galaxies, either in large theatres or while they dine in the Museum's five-star restaurant.

"Look, my comrades, at the place that holds the lost scrolls of N'Kantu the Living Mummy!" Magnum booms into the night.

"With this, none shall ever laugh at us again!" Hydron cackles.

"Don't count on it, pal," The Human Torch yells as he surrounds the Elementals with fire.

"I am tired of your boasting, hero," Hellfire answers as he shoots flame at Johnny, who stands his ground.

"I thought we already covered, this. The flame thing is my shtick. You can't- aaaaarrrggghh!" Johnny screams as the flame rips into him.

"Not all flames are the same, Human Torch. I am not called Hellfire simply because it sounds impressive." Johnny descends to the Museum proper's roof-top to catch his breath and try to find a way to put out the flames.

"Enough, Hellfire, leave him to his burns," Magnum orders.

The Elementals descend towards the body of the Museum as Spider-Man arrives to see Johnny screaming in agony from the roof-top of the Museum.

Spidey lands next to his friend, "Storm, what's happening?!?"

"I'm ... burning ... Hellfire's flame ... isn't normal ... aaaarrrgh!!!!" Johnny screams in agony.

Spidey looks around, trying to stay focused. He could toss him into the ocean or web him up, but he isn't sure which one would work - if one would work. Deciding on the immediate option, Spidey webbs Torch up, but it does no good! Hellfire's flame burns through it quicker than Spidey can web Johnny up.

"The ocean then," Spidey decides.



The Elementals turn a corner, desperately seeking the exhibit on Egyptian gods. What they find makes them laugh - an old man and fifty small, white robots.

"Step aside, old man!" Magnum orders. "You wouldn't want us-"

"Actually, I would," Nathaniel Richards smiles.



Spider-Man is rolling on the ground, screaming in agony, Hellfire's flames consuming him. He burns, unable to put out the flame.

And then, suddenly, the flames are gone.

"What the ...?" Torch gasps.

"We'll figure it out later, let's get inside." Spider-Man says as he jumps off the roof, his costme burnt nearly to nothingness.

Torch flames on and follows Spider-Man inside. They round the same corner the Elementals had just rounded and are equally surprised at what they find: three Elementals lying unconscious on the floor.

"Well, I'll be ..." Spidey mutters.

" ... a spider's uncle?" Torch deadpans, smiling.

"Stop," Spidey groans. "Your jokes are worse than the Hulk's."

"I didn't think he told jokes."

"You're catching on. Slowly, but you're catching on."

"Funny how just about every part of your costume burnt but your mask," Johnny muses.



In a medi-center in the Grand Circle, Unthan scientists have hooked the unconscious form of Dr. Doom up to their machines. They are the greatest scientific minds on the planet and they haven't a clue what to do with Doom's armor.

"Well," Tytan grumbles, asking the same question for the hundredth time, "is he going to be alright? I have to tell my father, the King, something."

"We don't know, your majesty," the Elder Scientist remarks, "his armor is so far advanced from our level of technology that we don't even know where to start."

El'kana walks over to the prone body of the Falling Man. So much technology, she wonders, how is it possible for an armor to survive a fall from space.

She gasps as a groan escapes Doom's lips. "By the Kuelari, he's awake!"

She watches as Doom's eye-lids flutter open, and she stares into cold, brown eyes. A chill rips through her body that the coldest night on Ak'yen'ja couldn't match.

"Tell me," the low voice commands, "tell me ... who I am."

END FF 422


FANTASTIC FOUR # 423: Be here for part one of our 3 part extravaganza we're calling FRANKLIN MUST DIE!!! Thanos has decided that Franklin must, you guessed it, die! Why? Well, you'll have to read to find out! We're not giving these stories away, you know! The fun starts with the return of a long-lost villain who wants not only Franklin, but the entire FF D-E-A-D! Plus, you know She-Hulk is rejoining the team, find out who's leaving! First one to guess it right, gets a much-coveted NO-PRIZE! And what's up with Doom? Does he know who he is? Does it matter? Stay tuned, Fanatic Ones!

mbQ 1.21.98