by Michael Stewart

"Birth of a Notion"
"What do you mean 'make-over'?  What's wrong with my costume?"  Griffin Gogol asked.

Stifling a full-fledged laugh, Jack Flagg opts instead for a quick smirk, looking at the man also known as Captain Ultra in his multi-colored costume.

"No offense, Grif, but we are trying to maintain a somewhat patriotic theme with Team America, and there's little chance of ...ahem...well, of your costume fitting that profile.  I won't force any of you to change your name or your costume, but I have asked one of Captain America's friends, Fabian Stankowski, to come up with some possible designs."

"For all of us?" asked the young Native American, Jason Strongbow.

"No, Jason.  American Eagle suits both you and the team," Jack Flag responds.  "If you'll allow me to finish, I think all of your questions will be answered."

Jack goes into detailed explanation of Team America's primary mission: to  assist Captain America in investigating and answering calls to the Sentinels of Liberty Hotline.  The former super-hero explains his belief that the Team, in being associated with Cap, should maintain some sort of patriotic theme.  He then asks four of the five assembled heroes to consider possible new costumes and names.  Priscilla (Vagabond) Lyons, Roberto (Bantam) Velesquez, Michael (Tumbler) Keene, and the aforementioned Griffin (Captain Ultra) Gogol.

Without missing a beat, Griffin speaks up.

"How about this?  Priscilla becomes American Maid.  No, wait, that's one already taken.  But 'Berto can become Rooster Boy or Chicken Man, Mike can be Roly Poly and we can change the name of the team to Captain Ultra and the Amazing Zoo Crew."

"Stuff it, Griffin," Michael retorts.

Griffin continues, using his uncanny comedic talents, "Then, if we ever have a chef, we can call him the Franco-American, our own spray paint artist will be American Graffiti, and our own sleepwalker could be the American Dream."

"That's more than enough Griffin.  America was founded on different nationalities and cultures.  I'm just looking for the team to reflect that while maintaining a degree of patriotism that will unify the members of Team America.  The virtual videos Georgianna and I have made of your virtual reality training sessions shows how the five of you are beginning to work well together."

"How about Jungle Jim for Michael?"

In unison, five voice resonate "SHUT UP!!"

RULE #27 - Muzzle Griffin before each team meeting!!

Holly Riddley rubs her temples as the tension behind her eyes intensifies. In the few weeks since her boss, Jack Flagg, left his administrative duties at the Hotline to her as he helps to establish Team America, Holly had been having headaches on a regular basis.  She had written it off as simple tension and stress from undertaking such an enormous task, while still managing to be a single mother to her fourteen year old son, Hiram.

And not only had Jack left her his duties, but she was also in charge of the investigation into discovering who generously ransferred over one million dollars into the Hotline account.  She, along with Hiram (AKA Ram), her computer-genius son, had spent endless hours trying to track the hotline's mystery benefactor.

Ram had narrowed the search field down, not by getting a firm trace on the money, but by tracing some of the equipment on the Team's Winnebago.  Ram had narrowed the possibilities down to about fifty big-name companies.  Ram had enlisted the help from some of his buddies at school to research each of the companies.  Unfortunately, Ram and his friends did have their regular schoolwork to worry about, while Holly had to maintain the Hotline along with her own household.  However, the investigation was moving along.

At this momemt, however, Holly wanted only three things right now.  The first was for Jack Flagg to get back, the second was for these damn headache to ease up, and the third was to add to his growing list of rules...

RULE #30 - Being a working, single mother is not easy.

Meanwhile, back on TARA (Team America Road Accessory)...

Georgianna watches the monitors as Tumbler, American Eagle, Vagabond, Captain Ultra, and Bantam engage in yet another of the regular VR training sessions Jack had scheduled for the team.  Jack had asked Georgianna to program some scenarios based on case files obtained from Captain America and the Avengers' files, in anticipation for what they might face on this,
their first real mission.

Jack was busy driving TARA, trying to keep it on the road during the unexpected thunderstorm that was blowing through Oklahoma.

Georgianna was monitoring each of the member's vital signs as they combined their talents and abilities against a virtual version of Taskmaster. Noting all was within the normal range, Georgianna's mind drifted to the irony of being a part of yet another Team America.

She recalls how she and her then boyfriend, Leonard Hebb, crossed paths with four other strangers who then became Team America and raced various vehicles in the Unlimited Racing Class Competition; how the races led them on several adventures to several locations around the world; how the Team together could form a mysterious dark rider known as Marauder and how
Georgianna was, on more than one occasion, the recipient of the Marauder's form and abilities.

The original Team America did not stay together long, eventually all going their separate ways.

Georgianna and Leonard (Wrench) were married just prior to the Team's disbanding, which was short-lived as they were reunited in a battle against Viper and Silver Samurai.  It was during this adventure that Team America met Prof. Charles Xavier and his New Mutants.  It was Prof. Xavier who explained the five male members of Team America were mutants, with the
ability to form a mental link that projected their combined skills, strength and knowledge onto an individual who would in turn become the Marauder.

After a few more adventures, a name change to the Thunderiders, run-ins with the Thing and Sharon Ventura, the team disbanded one final time due largely to their constant bickering and inability to get along with each other.

Georgianna and Wrench had trouble settling down into a domestic married life. As her husband became increasing engrossed in his inventions and research, he continually neglected Georgianna, who, in turn, became resentful of his work. After many of attempts to maintain their marriage, Georgianna packed her belongings and left Leonard without a word.

Not wanting his husband, or anyone else for that matter,  to find her, she ran to New York a few months prior to the Onslaught.  She got a job with the Stars and Stripes Hotline (the predecessor to the Sentinels of Liberty Hotline - FYI'ing Michael).

When the opportunity arose to become part of the mobile team who would assist Captain America in answering calls to the Hotline, Georgianna jumped at the chance.  She could help the group and would be even harder for her estranged husband to find her.

She is brought back to reality by the familiar voice of Jack Flagg.


"Yes, Jack."

"Break up the training session and tell the team to get in costume.  We've got our first assignment."

"Any information I should relay?  What they should expect?"

"Unknown meta-human group causing a disturbance in Oklahoma City.  We're about twenty minutes out.  But if Griffin could suit up and fly ahead, do a little recon so the rest of the team will be prepared."

"Will do, Jack."

Georgianna is reminded of the adrenaline rush that comes with being a part of Team America.  However, she's got the feeling that she should be glad to only be on the support crew on this one.

RULE # 19 - There's safety in numbers.

Griffin Gogol couldn't help but smile as he flew ahead of the rest of the Team in TARA.

Clad as Captain Ultra, Griffin felt he was at his finest.  He didn't even care about the rain as it fell.  Using his ability to become intangible, he would be as dry as his sense of humor when he arrived in Oklahoma City.

As he flew, Grif mulled over Jack's suggestion about changing his name and costume.  He never really found any success as Captain Ultra; he realized very few members of the super-hero set, much less the general public, had any respect for Captain Ultra.

As he lands gently at the location forwarded from Holly and the Hotline, he scans the street for anything out of the ordinary.

"See anything yet, Ultra," Jack asks over the comm link.

"Well, Jack, I'm at the site of the apparent disturbance.  The street is unusually quiet as the rain continues to fall in a gentle mist."
"Cut the attempts at comedy, Captain.  Stay put, be on your guard, and the Team should be there in about five to ten minutes.  Let us know if you see anything. Flagg out."

Captain Ultra uses his patent pending "Ultra Vision" as he walks around the scene of an apparent battle between local law enforcement and someone with some apparent strength and firepower.  As he looks through the wall of the bank next to him, he recognizes the four figures he sees.


Without warning, Captain Ultra is taken down by several fast blows to the back of his head.  As he drops to the ground, he thinks...

RULE #32 - Look at the pretty stars!

"Jack, I can't raise Ultra on the comm-link.  I'm tracking his location and relaying it to the Team."

"Good work, Georgianna."

"TARA to Team, can you read me?"

"We read you, TARA.  We're closing in on Ultra's signal.  American Eagle is also picking up five scents in addition to Ultra's.  Eagle has asked that Ultra cut down on the cologne before missions, however.  While it definitely helps to locate him, it's also masking the other scents."

"Request noted, Tumbler."

American Eagle, Vagabond, Bantam, and Tumbler turn the corner and approach the bank, from which Captain Ultra's signal is coming.

"On your guard, someone is approaching at super speed," American Eagle shouts.

Five members of the Serpent Society - Rattler, Black Racer, Fer-De-Lance, Rock Python, and Boomslang - soon surround team America.

"Great.  Just great," Vagabond thinks.

And before the Team can react, Rock Python has captured Vagabond with one of his "eggs", Rattler has Tumbler begging for mercy, Black Racer has rendered American Eagle unconscious with the same trick she used on Captain Ultra, and Fer-De-Lance and Boomslang are subduing Bantam.

Before he goes down, however, Bantam is able to relay a message.

"TARA, snakes, do you copy?" and with that, he's out cold.

Back on TARA....

"What are we going to do, Jack?  The team's first mission and all five have apparently been captured or worse.  Jack, are listening to me?"

"Yes, Georgianna.  I'll be right out."

Jack Flagg was only supposed to supervise Team America until they could function on their own, so he could return to New York and the Hotline.

Now, as he stands in front of the mirror in his quarters aboard TARA, he sees his costumed other half, staring back at him...the red, white, and blue former ally of Captain America...Jack Flag.  It wasn't the most original of names (dropping a letter from his last name), but Bantam's last words shook Jack out of his resistance to once again don the costume. However, he refused to dye his hair.

"Buddy boy, this is only temporary," Jack said to his costumed image.

"You know you love the thrill of the battle," the image responded.

"The thrill?  The last "thrill" got me and Cathy locked up in the Vault (See Captain America #455)."

"So, you're over that.  You're the boss at the Hotline, you've got a wonderful support staff, and now you can pursue your dream of being a hero like Captain America, for your parents, for Derek {Jack's brother - Michael}, for yourself"

"Maybe so.  Right now though, I've got to rescue the team.  I wish I could have located USAgent or gotten in touch with Cathy.  I might need some help on this one."

{USAgent will be busy in Hawkeye, while Cathy aka Free Spirit is busy in Captain America - trying to keep things straight Michael}

Georgianna interrupts Jack's discussion with himself.

"Jack, who are you talking to?  We need to do something,"

Jack opens the door to his room, dressed as his alter ego, Jack Flag.

"I'm ready...for whatever lies ahead."

RULE #1 - Jack's back and ready to fight!!

NEXT ISSUE: Jack Flag once again battles members of the Serpent Society. But as he attempts to rescue his teammates, someone joins the fight and Jack must ask that immortal question, "Is he friend or foe?" ....Georgianna
is stalked....Holly, Ram and his friends close in on the mystery funding source....and who will receive new names and costumes?  Tune in to find out this and more in TEAM AMERICA #2!!

QUICK NOTE FROM MICHAEL:  A quick thanks to everyone who has supported this title!!  I have taken all comments and suggestions and many of you should be pleased with some of the guest stars that will be appearing in coming issues.

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