by Michael Stewart

"Long May She Wave..."

Jack Flag...American Hero...Ally of the legendary of Captain America...Erstwhile leader of Team America...surveys the silence streets of Oklahoma City, the last known sight of his teammates in Team America (in the less than action packed last issue - Michael).

The same person or persons who robbed the bank, had apparently captured his teammates, Captain Ultra, Vagabond, Bantam, Tumbler, and American Eagle.  This same person(s) also had some connection to snakes, according to Bantam.

Jack Flagg was therefore forced to become Jack Flag.  While he had hung up his spandex, he was again feeling the rush of months ago when he donned his red, white, and blue outfit.

Now, however, the urgency of his mission was preventing him from basking in the glory of his return to the superhero set.

Jack's confidence in his teammates and in himself was shaken.  He had thought they were ready for action.  After all, none of them were rank amateurs.

"Well, except Captain Ultra," he mused.

Jack shook his head and tried to focus on his goal.  He noticed something a few yards in front of him...

Meanwhile, a block and rooftop away....

The masked, black leather clad figure stood on the rooftop and watched.

"Well, whaddaya know!!  It's a wannabe!  Wonder if he's connected to the robbery?  You know something, buddy boy, and you're gonna share it with me, when the time comes."

Americop pulled away from the edge of the building and followed Jack Flag.

RULE #47 - Ya gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.

"Mom, are you okay?" asked bespectacled, auburn-headed teenager Hiram (Ram) Riddley.

Holly Riddley pulled her head up from the desktop and smiled at her son.  He had grown a couple of inches in the past year and would soon be taller than her.

"Yes, Ram, I'm fine.  Just taking a brake.  Any more leads on our mystery man?"

"Or mystery woman, Mom.  Yeah, I've got Hugh, Cody, Dave, and Jennifer helping me out with basic background info on the list of names and companies we came up with."  Noticing his mother's patented Look, he reassures her, "Don't worry. I didn't give them details; I just told them it was a special project for the Hotline.  Strictly low key."

"Ram, I don't want any of your friends jeopardized should we discover something dangerous or heaven forbid, sinister."

"Mom, I'm on top of things.  Any word from Jack?  Has he got the Team settled?  When's he coming home?"

Holly couldn't help but smile as she thought of Jack Flagg. "No word, yet, but it's should be about time for someone to check in.  Why don't you hang around and maybe you'll be able to talk with him."

"Nah, I don't want him to think I miss him or anything.  Just tell him I said "Hi".  I'm going home and call the crew and see where we stand.  Love ya'."

With that Ram was out of his mom's office, while thoughts and hopes of his mom and Jack Flagg ran  through his mind.

Rule #50 - Hope for the best; expect the worst.

(Unfortunately, Hiram Riddley had no idea how true this rule will become - Foreshadowing Michael)

Back in Oklahoma City,

"Flag to TARA."

"TARA here.  Have you found anything yet?"

"Yes and no, Georgianna.  I've found a trail of Eagle's feathers.  I'm at an abandoned warehouse, not far from the National Softball Hall of Fame.  But, listen to me carefully.  Go to the Hall of Fame and wait.  I'm going in, but I'll be checking with you every fifteen minutes.  If I miss a check-in, call the Hotline and institute the emergency back-up plan we discussed. Copy?"

"Copy that, Jack. And Jack?"


"Be careful."

"Copy that, Georgianna.  Flag out."

Jack paused a moment.  He had surveyed the warehouse very carefully.  Looking in some of the broken windows, he could see nothing.  He decided to go in a nearby door, where he had found the last of American Eagle headdress feathers.  With his hand on the door handle, ready to enter, Jack heard...

"Hold it right there.  Put your hands on your head and turn around slowly."

Figuring it was local law enforcement, Jack did as commanded.  His first thought was how huge the man was.  His second thought was that was no ordinary issue firearm pointed at him.  The fact the guy was clad completely in black leather sent the red flags flying.  Did this guy know something about his missing teammates?  Was he responsible?

Then it clicked.  He had read about this guy in some of Captain America's reports.

"You're the Americop, right?"

"Who I am is regardless.  Right now, I'm placing you under arrest for armed robbery and destruction of public property."

"Wait.  Listen.  I'm a part of Team America.  My teammates were captured by whoever was destroying downtown and robbed the bank..."

"You mean accomplices?"

"No, teammates.  We're a mobile unit answering calls to the Sentinels of Liberty Hotline."

"You will remain silent!"  Americop bellowed.  He had watched as the man before him had picked up feathers for several blocks.  He was testing this man and so far his story added up to the other facts he had gathered.  However, he was still hesitant to just let this man walk.

"Your name, sir."

"Jack Flag."

"Very original, Mr. Flag.  Listen to me very carefully.  I am going to accompany you into this building to locate your supposed teammates.  You will walk in front of me with your hands raised.  The instant I sense trouble or you try anything, you will be history," he said, nodding to his gun. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, completely," Jack responded, realizing he was due to check in with Georgianna in twelve minutes.

RULE #23 - Obey the law...especially when the law is leather-clad and has a major attitude.

Vagabond was the first to awaken.  The events of Team America's capture were vague.  She was one of the first captured, and what made it worse, it was by members of that damned Serpent Society.  Rock Python had ensnared her in one of his eggs, whose steel ribbons still held her.  She looked at her teammates, bound and unconscious.

"Eagle.  Wake up.  Bantam.  Tumbler.  Ultra.  Come on, guys.  Shake yourselves out of it."

Tumbler began to groan.  American Eagle began to stir, albeit, ever so slowly.  Bantam lay motionless, as did Captain Ultra.

"What happened?"  asked Tumbler, briefly forgetting his quick defeat at the hands of Rattler.

"We screwed up. Big time.  The Serpent Society captured us and now it looks like we are in some sort of warehouse.  I'm not sure how long we've been out of it, but surely Jack and Georgianna will be tracking us."

"Hopefully, Vagabond.  However, we can't wait for them."

Having said that, Tumbler slowly rises to his feet, despite the fact several cords of rope bind them.  With his hands likewise bound behind his back, the gymnastic hero bends his knees and flips into the air.  Pulling his legs into his body, Tumbler then pulls his arms under his legs before landing.  While his arms and legs were still bound, now his arms were in front of him.

Reaching into his belt, Tumbler withdraws a small blade and begins to saw the rope binding his hands.

RULE #6 - Be prepared.

At the same time, American Eagle regains consciousness.  He is shackled to the wall.  However, while pulling on the chains, Eagle realizes he could possibly bring the roof down on his teammates.

As Tumbler frees the last of the rope, he gives Vagabond the blade while he checks on Bantam and Captain Ultra.


It's Jack Flag, followed by some huge guy with a gun.  Tumbler poises himself to jump this guy just as...

"Well, more do-gooders join our little party."

Black Racer, Boomslang, Rattler, Fer-De-Lance, and Rock Python stand on a platform above the assembled heroes.

"I warned you!" Americop yells as he pulls the trigger.

Tumbler flies through the air and pushes Jack to the side, the bullets barely missing both of them.

Vagabond, now free of her bonds as well, rushes to Bantam's side as the Serpent Society makes their way to the floor.  Americop continues shooting, although he has turned his attention to the Serpents.  Black Racer quickly disarms him, as Rattler aims his vibrating rattler at the man in black.

Boomslang throws three of his boomerangs at Vagabond, who deftly dodges the first two and catches the third one, much to Boomslang's surprise.  She then throws the weapon in Rock Python's direction, just as he tosses his "eggs" at Jack and Tumbler.  The boomerang deflects the eggs and they explode above Black Racer, who is quickly subdued.

American Eagle, hating to miss any of the action, notes where Fer-De-Lance is standing.  Gently tugging at his chains, he watches as a crack spiders its way up the wall and across the ceiling to a huge piece of loose plaster.  He smiles as that same piece of plaster falls and strikes the knife-welding villain unconscious.  He then swings the metal chain, which catches Rock Python's legs like a bolo.

Tumbler, yearning for payback, distracts Rattler, while Jack Flag pulls Americop to his feet.  Tumbler smiles as he kicks Rattler backwards toward the bodies of Bantam and Captain Ultra.

Captain Ultra, never missing the opportunity for a laugh, stays on all fours, as Rattler trips over him, and lands flat on his back.

Bantam stands over him, punching his fist in his hand and stealing Ultra's opportunity for a bad joke.  "Shake, rattle, and roll, amigo."

However, Rattler's vibrations have finished the job that American Eagle started, as chucks of the ceiling and walls begin to fall around heroes and villains alike.

"Team America.  Clear out!  NOW!" orders their leader.

Jack grabs for Americop, but can't find him in the clouds of dust.

RULE #48 - Know when to walk away, know when to run.

The assembled heroes check on each other outside the fallen warehouse.  Captain Ultra, using both his "ultra-vision" and phasing ability, checked the crumbled remains of the building but found no signs of either the Serpent Society or Americop.

It was then, that Jack realized he had missed his check-in time with Georgianna.  Perhaps, she had not instituted the back-up plan.

"Flag to TARA. Come in TARA."

No response.

"Flag to TARA.  Georgianna, do you copy?"

Sensing something's wrong, Jack orders the team to follow him.

As they approach TARA, they notice the door ajar.


Again, no response.  The team enters the vehicle to find signs of a struggle and a note with a message scrawled on it.

"MY RULE #1 - Don't come looking.
 MY RULE #2 - You'll never find her.
 MY RULE #3 - She's all mine.
 MY RULE #4 - We'll be what we once were."

NEXT ISSUE: Okay, I know new costumes and names were supposed to be this issue, but the best laid plans... Anyway, they're coming, next issue, I promise.  Who will get a name change?  Jack Flag?  Vagabond?  Bantam?  Tumbler?  American Eagle?  Captain Ultra?  As the search for Georgianna and her captor begins, Ram Riddley and his friends attend a rock concert with ulterior motives, and Jack and Holly have a serious conversation.

Finally, next issue will introduce a contest that could change the life of one of our heroes forever! His or her fate will be in your hands!

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