I am the Watcher... an ancient being who has observed the events on planet Earth since long before the dawn of man. It has often been said that the life or death of one individual would usually have little or no consequent on the history of a race. Sometimes this is not true.

What if....Mockingbird had lived?

Author: Lonni Holland

In your world, several years ago, on the Palos Verdes cliffs a rolling, swirling and unnatural cloud covers the horizon. The figure of Avenger West Coast, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch flies from the aperture.....

"Give our regards to L.A!" Hawkeye shoved the Witch clear of Mephisto's realm and remarked "See? I told you two was better than..."

Brimstone balls shot past his head unnoticed. At his side, his wife Mockingbird gasped "Look out!" and dove towards him.

"HNNNNHHH!" Hawk grunted. "That spitball would have creamed me, if you hadn't tackled me."

As the two of them hurtled towards the rift between Mephisto's realm and their own world Bobbi said, "That's--- what I'm here for!"

"Check, lady!" Clint held her tightly as they fell together, the fiery brimstone orbs passing within inches of them on all sides. "And I'm gonna see to it that you stay right where you..."



They tumbled to ground together. The smell of burnt fabric, sulfur and charred flesh sharp in his nostrils Hawkeye reached to grasp his wife's arms. "Bobbi?" She lay before him, a mass of scorched skin and blood. "Bobbi!?! Say something, girl"

Spiderwoman softly whispered "Hawk?" but she knew there was nothing she could do, for either of them. Beside her the Scarlet Witch, US Agent and War Machine looked on in shock and disbelief.

Tears streaming down his cheeks Clint gathered Bobbi's broken body up into his arms. "You.. you can't leave me like this, Bobbi... not after we just found each other again. You saved all our lives..."

Gathering the last of her strength Mockingbird reached up to wipe the drops from Hawkeye's face. She opened her eyes a little wider, stared deep into his tear-filled ones and whispered, "No.. Clint.. I did it.. to save... you.." Her eyes shut, for the last time.

As his stricken teammates looked on and wondered how they could comfort him, Clint held her close to his chest and pressed his cheek against hers. As he felt the life slip from her, he felt it slip from himself as well. He wrapped his arms tighter around her broken body and wept.(as told in Avengers West Coast 100)

And that is how it happened in our reality. Shortly after that a grieving Hawkeye abandoned the team * to try to come to grips with his loss. (* Hawkeye Limited Series Volume 2) The team was disbanded by the East Coast Avengers * and most of them went on to form their own group, Force Works, with former West Coast member Tony Stark.(* Avengers West Coast 102) Later Tony would apparently go bad and falsely accuse Hawkeye of killing several people that he himself had destroyed *, but the true story behind this is for another time. (* Avengers: The Crossing) Tony would die and the Force Works team, after almost having the world destroyed by a bomb hidden in their headquarters, would mostly go their own ways. The remaining Avengers, with Tony Stark's replacement *, a younger version of himself from another reality, (* Avengers: Timeslide) would pull themselves back together to face the horror of Onslaught * (* Onslaught: Marvel Universe) and seemingly be destroyed in achieving their victory, only to be shunted to a different universe created to save them by Franklin, the young son of Sue and Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four and to return in triumph * several months later.(* The Heroes Return Limited Series)

But on a world not that far removed from our own, where one of my fellow Watchers observes, the story proceeded rather differently....

In this world, several years ago, on the Palos Verdes cliffs a rolling, swirling and unnatural cloud covers the horizon. The figure of Avenger West Coast, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch flies from the aperture.....

"Give our regards to L.A!" Hawkeye shoved the Witch clear of Mephisto's realm and remarked "See? I told you two was better than..."

Brimstone balls shot past his head unnoticed. At his side, his wife Mockingbird gasped "Look out!" and dove towards him.

"HNNNNHHH!" Hawk grunted. "That spitball would have creamed me, if you hadn't tackled me."

As the two of them hurtled towards the rift between Mephisto's realm and their own world Bobbi said, "That's--- what I'm here for!"

"Check, lady!" Clint held her tightly as they fell together, the fiery brimstone orbs passing within inches of them on all sides. "And I'm gonna see to it that you stay right where you..."

Clint took his eyes from Bobbi's for a moment and saw the flames streaking towards her back. Years of Cap's training. plus his own skills as a gymnast, allowed him to twist the two of them almost clear. The blazing ball brushed his leg as the two of them tumbled to the cliffs. He crumpled beneath her, screaming in pain.

She knelt beside him. "Clint? Lover, are you all right? Clint!?!"

His face twisted with suffering as he tried to grasp at the charred skin with his hands; he spoke in a strained voice, "Yeah... I'm all right... Bobbi. Thank God... you're okay. I couldn't face... losing you... not again.." His eyes closed tightly, he drew in a sharp breath, then passed out in her arms.

Hours later, at a Beverly Hills hospital, the worried teammates jumped to their feet as the surgeon entered the waiting room. Bobbi approached him first. "Well, Doctor, is he.... I mean... is he's going to..."

"He'll live" Doctor Willis pushed his operating cap back from his head. "Mrs. Barton, I've treated your husband before * (* Avengers Spotlight 30). He's a tough customer. He should have died the last time he was here, but I think he's just too stubborn. I don't, however, know if he'll walk again. The burns on his leg are very serious. Right now, our biggest job is to keep his injuries from becoming infected. Later we'll think about skin grafts and physical therapy. Knowing him the way I do, I'd bet he'll be back on his feet again, but you and he are going to have to face the fact that he'll have to give up his costumed career. His fighting days are over."

Indeed, Dr. Willis proved a competent prophet. Many long weeks later Clint Barton was released from the hospital. Still confined to a wheel chair he and Bobbi settled back into their bungalow on the West Coast compound while the rest of the team was called to New York * by the United Nations (* Avengers West Coast 101, Avengers 368 & 369, Xmen 26 and Uncanny Xmen 307) and went from there to deal with the crisis in Genosha. Still later, when the West Coast team was again summoned to New York, this time by their East Coast counterparts, Clint, although still in his wheelchair, once more donned the purple to go with them. Bobbi, however, wore her civilian clothes.

"The Avengers West Coast are finished" As Vision began his historic announcement at the combined meeting Clint opened his mouth to protest, but Bobbi held him back.

"Remember, sport" she whispered, "You're not chairman anymore. Let Wanda deal with this."

Clint grit his teeth and nodded, but as the meeting went on, and tempers started to flare, he found it harder to take her advice. When Iron Man arrived, and the subject turned to the Galactic Storm mission, he was torn. He agreed with Cap on the moral principle, but this was his team they were disbanding. Maybe he wasn't chairman, but he had been at the beginning, and throughout most of the life of the Avengers West Coast. Galactic Storm had nothing to do with why his team was being dissolved. It was just an excuse.

Jarvis arrived to announce lunch, and the two teams retired to the patio. They clustered in groups, neither standing with the other. Clint and Bobbi were off to one side by themselves. They conversed quietly.

"I can't believe they're trying to do this Bobbi." Clint held her hand as he spoke. "This whole thing is crazy. The Eakos have had more personal battles with enemies than we have. How can they even think about disbanding the team because we spend to much time 'cleaning up our own backyard'?"

"Take it easy Clint. You aren't going back into action anytime soon and I'm leaving the team so let's just let the others handle it."

"Okay, babe, but if I weren't out of the picture and if you weren't leaving so we can try to have a baby..."

"Ummm... Clint, I don't think we have to try anymore. I saw the doctor just before we left LA. We are going to have a baby. Of course that doesn't mean we have to stop practicing or anything."

Clint just stared at her for a moment, his mouth open. Then he smiled and pulled her down towards him. "Anytime lady, anytime." He drew her into a passionate kiss.

Close by, War Machine and Iron Man began to wrangle. Frustrated and angered by Tony Stark's repeated deceptions, Jim Rhodes was unable to control his feelings. Refusing to listen to Tony's peace overtures he bellowed out his resignation and flew off, thrusters blasting.

Captain America then started to argue with Iron Man, and US Agent got into the fray. As Jack tried to strike Cap, only to be held off by Tony, Clint was finally unable to stay out of it. Despite Bobbi's protests he wheeled himself over to the main table where the fracas was going on. As Iron Man pulled US Agent away to try to calm him down, Clint approached Captain America.

"Steve, what's going on?" Clint appealed to his friend. "You keep bringing up Galactic Storm, but that wasn't just the Whacko's. Members of both teams were involved. You know I agree with you on that issue, but why is it being used to disband us? Talk to me, man. We have to be able to straighten things out."

Steve Rogers shook his head. "No, Clint. It's time to face facts. Everything Vision said earlier is true. The West Coast franchise is a failed experiment and to continue with it would be logically and financially untenable." Clint's face flushed angrily as Captain America continued. "You've made a valiant effort, old friend, but it's time to cut our losses. I'm sure we can absorb the West Coast membership into our roster on a reserve basis."

"Reserve!?!" Clint's voice rose, his hands clenched the arms of the wheelchair. The other Avengers turned their eyes towards him and Bobbi rushed to his side. "You've got to be kidding! Wanda and I were members before any of your team except you and Hank, and you want to treat us like bloody rookies?"

Steve opened his mouth to speak but Clint continued heatedly. "This team was my baby, Steve. We started out with nothing and yet we went on to beat Ultron, and the Pacific Overlords, and Satannish... and Graviton - something your precious team never managed to really do!"

He started to push himself to his feet. Bobbi tried to hold him back but he shoved her hand aside. Balanced shakily in front of the wheelchair, he continued. "I don't know why you're trying to do this to us, but we've got a damn good team here, all of them." His eyes swept his teammates who now all stood behind him. "Oh sure, we've had our problems and our own internal battles," He glanced briefly at Jack, "But that's part of the Avenger tradition too. We've always fought amongst ourselves. That doesn't stop us from being good Avengers. If anything, it makes us stronger."

Steve started to shake his head and Clint's hands rolled tightly into balls. "Okay! You want to write us off?? Well, I'm already pretty much written off anyway, so I'm going out of here in style!"

He brought his right arm up quickly and caught Steve with a hard uppercut to the jaw. As Captain America crashed back into the table of food and dishes behind him Clint staggered, only to be caught by US Agent who helped him back to his wheelchair and whispered "Good job, Barton" as he eased him down. As his teammates helped Steve to his feet, Hercules approached menacingly. Jack stepped in front of him. "Stay away, godling. Nobody touches my teammate without going through me first."

Clint turned to his wife. "Get me outta here, Bobbi. I've had it with these losers." He flipped his Avengers card at Captain America. "Here, Cap, maybe you can find some other flunky to use this." He turned his head to Jack. "Never thought I'd be saying this, but thanks bud. Now I'm gone. Bobbi, get me home would you?"

And so the team was dissolved. Tony Stark made arrangements with the Maria Stark Foundation for Hawkeye's retirement benefits to provide him and his wife with a home in San Diego, Bobbi's home town, along with a steady income. He and the others went on,weeks later, to form the Force Works team. Soon after that the Kree attacked at the old compound and Wonder Man was once again seemingly destroyed.

For some time things proceeded the same in this universe as they did in ours, until one day, several months later on the southern California coast, Ultron was sighted again.

Bobbi and Clint were driving home from his daily physiotherapy session when they heard the news on the radio. Ultron had been sighted in the Death Valley area. So far he hadn't threatened anyone yet, but the authorities were trying to reach the Avengers to deal with him.

As they got out of the car Bobbi could see that old, haunted look in Clint's eyes again. He walked slowly beside her, leaning heavily on his cane. She slipped her arm around him and pulled him close to her. For just a moment his eyes lit up as he felt their child kicking him through her abdomen. He kissed her gently, then they continued into the house.

"Clint, don't worry. Force Works or the Avengers will take care of it. We don't do that stuff anymore, remember?"

He sighed. "I know, Bobbi, I know. But why aren't they there yet? Force Works isn't that far away. In a Hexship they could have been there in minutes."

"You go and sit down and get your weight off that leg. You know you always need to rest after therapy. You've worked too hard to ruin everything now. Tell you what, I'll call them. Will that make you feel better?"

"Yeah. I guess, but I still wish sometimes..."

She hugged him and kissed the top of his head as he sat heavily. "I know you do, sport." she whispered in his ear, and then left to call the Force Works headquarters.

Moments later she returned. "Clint, I'm worried now. Plato says they've all gone to the Vault * to investigate a security breach.(* Force Works 13) I tried the Avengers too. They've responded to the same call. Do you think I should call Steve?"

Clint's face hardened. "No. Don't bother. I don't need that star spangled jerk to defend my own backyard." He pushed himself to his feet.

"Honey, what are you going to do?"

He limped towards their bedroom. "Something I should have done a long time ago." As she opened her mouth to protest he stopped her. "Bobbi, don't! Just let me do this, okay? It's been nagging at me for months. I have to get back into action, even if it is just one last time."

Fifteen minutes later she watched him fly off on his skycycle, his bow and his cane both clamped to the side. The bandage from his latest skin graft surgery bulged under his tights. Before he left she had hugged him and whispered "Please come back to me, sport. I need you." She pressed his hand against her bulging stomach. "We need you." As he disappeared from sight she went back in the house to call Captain America's hotline.

The fight was brief and all too predictable. Ultron had returned to Death Valley to gather the spare parts he had abandoned there * months ago (* Avengers West Coast 90 & 91). Hawkeye flew up behind him and fired off an adamantium arrow followed by a blast arrow.

Ultron turned and looked at him. "Ah, Avenger. You return to bother me once more, and alone this time? Where are your compatriots? If I must stop to destroy you I would rather not waste my time and effort on a single, underpowered foe."

"Get this straight Ultron! I'm not an Avenger, and I don't need any help to take you down!" Clint could feel the strain on his injured leg, but he fearlessly nocked another blast arrow.

"Farewell, Hawkeye." Ultron fired once, then turned and left, not even bothering to see if he had hit his target.

Struggling to maintain his balance with his bad leg, Hawkeye couldn't react fast enough. The blast hit the skycycle and flipped it and Hawk backwards into the side of a cliff. As Ultron flew off, his spare parts trailing along behind him, Clint and his shattered cycle crashed to the ground.

Bobbi and Captain America arrived about half an hour later. She stood, softly sobbing, as Steve carefully extricated a critically injured Clint from the wreckage. Hawk opened his eyes a little and peered at them.

"Easy, Clint. Help's on the way." Captain America slipped Hawkeye's mask off gently. "Just lie still. We'll get you to a hospital."

Clint's cracked and blood-covered lips parted and he whispered, barely audibly, "It's... too late.... for that... now. Steve? I... I'm sorry... I... I shouldn't have... taken it... out on you. Take care.. of Bobbi... and... the baby... please..."

Steve nodded solemnly and Clint turned his head towards his wife. "Bobbi? Honey?" She knelt beside him and held his hand. " I... love... you..." He drew a last shuddering breath, and then sank lifeless in Steve's arms.

Just days later, Jim Rhodes was fishing at Maitlin Lake in Canada. Drawn by a strange force he did not understand, he fell victim to the Lictor *, an alien beast used to test new recipients of the Eidolon War Wear (* War Machine 18 & 19). In this universe, there was no Hawkeye to delay his first meeting with the creature, allowing him time to locate the new armor and so, in this universe, he and his companion Skye were to die.

At Avengers Mansion, at the intended anniversary celebration, the members instead held a wake for the passing of two of their own. Unknown to the others, a manipulated Tony Stark still destroyed Yellowjacket II and the Avengers nanny, Marilla. This time, however, he had to manufacture evidence of a different teammate's guilt. He selected Hank Pym. In this reality the evil Cybermacer * was not required to capture the accused. (* Force Works 18) Instead, Iron Man confronted Hank some days later, at Avengers mansion.

"I'm sorry to have to do this Hank, but the evidence can't be denied that easily. There are the video tapes, and the remnants of one of your old Yellowjacket blasts at the scenes of both deaths." Tony looked remorseful. "If there was any other solution... God knows, I've tried to find another answer, any other answer."

Giant Man shook his head in disbelief. "Tony, you can believe that! I could never kill anyone. You have to have made a mistake."

Behind them, little Luna still sobbed in fear of the 'bad man'. This time it was Hercules who wondered if she had seen something that fateful night... some small clue to the identity of the killer. Tony Stark again volunteered to use Hank's image inducer and again there were no results. But the story was different when the inducer was used on the young daughter of Crystal and Pietro. Everyone saw the images of Tony as he destroyed Yellowjacket II.

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way." Tony stepped back from the others. "Now I'm afraid you're all going to have to die."

"Tony? How could you?" Jan ran towards him "Why didn't you talk to us? We could have worked it out. And to frame Hank? One of your oldest friends..."

She reached to touch him. Tony fired his repulsors, full force, at point blank range. As Jan fell, her chest shattered, the other Avengers rushed forward. Giant Man bellowed and grew to a height that tore the roof off the mansion. He reached down to grab at Iron Man. As the others tried to stop him, he squeezed tighter, crushing Tony's armor. As he felt himself being destroyed Tony fired all his repulsors in Hank's face. The two of them fell to the ground, dead, Hank's skull shattered and Tony's chest caved in.

Without Hank's genius to save her, Jan did not survive. Kang, Mantis and their minions arrived on the scene shortly after. The demoralized Avengers defeated them, but the cost was high. Quicksilver, Crystal, Magdeline and the Swordsman all fell in battle, never to rise again.

Natasha tried to muster what was left of her depleted ranks. She, Hercules and Vision were all that remained. Thor was in Asgard and Cap was missing as far as she knew. She sent a message to Wundagorre and then quickly dispatched an orphaned Luna to stay with Bova, her father's former nanny.

She made tentative contact with Force Works to advise them of what had happened but found that they were already aware of the Kang/Mantis situation. The news of the deaths came as a shock, especially to Wanda. At Natasha's request, the Scarlet Witch left immediately for New York. She left US Agent in charge. He quickly began a check of their own headquarters to see if there were any clues to Tony's behavior.

Fisher Todd was the one to discover the bomb. Its detonation would destroy the California coast, and possibly most of North America. He worked feverishly with the computer to try to defuse it. Jack ordered Spiderwoman to take her daughter and leave. She protested, but he would have none of it.

"All right, Todd? How about it?" Jack loomed over the computer console. "Are you gonna be able to stop this thing or are we all gonna sink into the Pacific?"

Fisher didn't look up from the keyboard as he answered. "I doubt it very much Agent. Everything I've tried has been blocked." Sweat rolled down his face as he continued to work. "I'm still at it though, but I don't know for how much longer."

Sparks suddenly flew from the console and Fisher flew back across the room. The defensive shock that the computer system had hit him with had left him unconscious.

"Okay, that's it." Jack bellowed out "Spi!!! Take this guy and Amanda with you. Head south of here. Maybe down to Bobbi's. Century? Think that overgrown stick of yours can funnel the blast? We don't have much time here."

"I shall try, endeavor, strive to do so." Century started to survey the computer display, his grey face even more ashen at what he saw.

Twenty minutes later a shockwave rocked the Hexship as it winged it's way south towards San Diego. Century had tried to channel the blast upwards and into space. He was largely successful. As the explosion gripped the alien and his staff Parallax he was just able to thrust US Agent clear. Jack fell to the ground beside the wreckage of the Force Works headquarters. He was badly injured and soon rushed to a hospital by Los Angeles emergency crews.

The tattered remnants of the Avengers regrouped in New York. Spiderwoman, her daughter and the Force Works support staff were in San Diego with Mockingbird, who was rapidly approaching the end of her pregnancy. US Agent, blinded by his proximity to the explosion. joined them when he was released from the hospital. Weather patterns were drastically altered by the tremendous heat thrown into the atmosphere by the blast. Tremendous storms caused flooding and destruction on the west coast.

Captain America, returned from his exile * from the United States (* Man Without a Country, Captain America 450-453) rejoined the team for a short time, only to leave soon after, on 'personal business'. And then came Onslaught. Forged from the evil sides of the minds of Professor Xavier and Magneto, Onslaught terrorized the New York area. The Fantastic Four and the Avengers gathered at Four Freedoms Plaza to plan strategy.

"Natasha? Can you get any of your reserve members to help us?" Reed Richards was justifiably concerned. Onslaught had made repeated attempts to get at his son, Franklin. The boy's strange ability to create realities would further Onslaughts domination.

Natasha shook her head. "I'm sorry Reed. What you see is what you get I'm afraid. Thor will be here shortly, and Scott Lang is ready to help too. Falcon, She Hulk and Spiderman are going to try to join us but I can't reach Cap. I've even called the Hulk."

Reed sighed. "Well, I suppose we'll just have to make do with who we have. The X-men have been pinned down in Central Park. We have to prevent Onslaught from taking Franklin, and we have to help those mutants. I certainly wish I knew how to contact Captain America though. His knowledge of strategy would be invaluable."

But, on the other side of the continent.......

"Now, Bobbi. Push!" Steve stood beside her and held her hand.

"Arrgghhhhh! I am, dammit!"

The Doctor urged, "Just a little more now. And.... there. Congratulations, Mrs. Barton. You have a beautiful son."

Steve smiled and squeezed her shoulder. Moments later the nurse placed the baby in Bobbi's waiting arms. Steve asked, "So, Bobbi? Have you thought of a name for him yet?"

Bobbi looked up from the baby for a moment. "Clinton Steven, of course. Was there ever any doubt?" She turned her attention back to her son. A tear slipped down her cheek unnoticed as she whispered softly, "Hello, Clint. Welcome home."

Back in Manhattan, the fight went poorly. Through trickery and visual misdirection Onslaught captured both Nate Grey and young Franklin Richards. The X-Men had tried valiantly to stop him but to no avail. The Avengers and the Fantastic Four rushed to Central Park where Onslaught's citadel was growing ever larger. A seriously injured Scott Lang remained behind along with Natasha who tried feverishly to get hold of more help.

"Stay back!" Mr. Fantistic stretched out and grabbed as many of the X-Men as he could. "Mutants increase his power, you have to stay away from him. We'll fight him."

Most of the X-Men were already battered and exhausted. With the powers of Nate and Franklin to draw on. Onslaught was becoming unstoppable. Everything that they threw at him, he laughed off and continued to grow. Finally, as he expanded beyond his physical boundaries, Thor leapt forward.

"We needs must contain him. Use this as your vessel" So saying, he threw himself into the fury that was Onslaught. The maelstrom decreased, although only slightly. The other Avengers and the Fantastic Four quickly followed. Hoping that their sacrifice might enable Nate and Franklin to be freed and thus stop the devastation, they all rushed into the fray.

And so they went, Hercules, the Swordsman II, Falcon, She Hulk, Johnny Storm, the Thing, Sue Richards, even Bruce Banner. As he leapt in, Mr. Fantastic called back to Scott Summers "Cyclops, you have to attack him with all you have. I'll try to get Nate and Franklin out to you."

As the rest of the heroes leapt into the fray Onslaught weakened slightly. Taking advantage of the situation Nate Grey used the last of his strength to throw Franklin Richards clear. Outside the Xmen threw all of their fighting ability at Onslaught. As the form of young Richards came hurtling from the fray, Beast leapt to grab him before he struck the ground.

Leading his team forward in their seemingly hopeless task Cyclops hollered back over his shoulder, "Get him out of here Hank. Take care of him." As the Beast started to protest Scott yelled, "Damn it, McCoy! Just go!"

And so the battle went. The Beast retreated to Avengers mansion with his young charge. Frustrated in his attempt to reshape the world, Onslaught still gleaned enough power from his capture and absorption of the mutants to quickly engulf the Central Park area. Unable to muster enough assistance to hold him off, the Black Widow gathered who she could and retreated. Together with Spiderman and his wife, and the injured Scott Lang and his daughter and Hank McCoy, with Franklin Richards in tow, she piloted a Quinjet westward.

Behind them the eastern seaboard soon fell. Alpha Flight tried to prevent the spread northwards but Onslaught only fed on their mutant members and grew ever stronger. As the major financial centers of North America were taken over, chaos swept the world trade markets. Rebellion, panic, destruction ran rampant all over the globe. Small pockets of resistance were quickly crushed. In Detroit, the Great Lakes Avengers were able to slow the advance of Onslaught's reality, but at great cost. Flatman was crushed, never to expand again. Dinah Soar was batted casually from the sky and, in his grief, Mr. Immortal proved finally mortal. Repeated deaths with insufficient recovery time eventually took their toll but the effort seemed to halt Onslaught's progress in the midwest.

And, slowly, the world adjusted. As the years passed, the wars slowed, the plagues stopped, and a grim fatalism seemed to grip the earth's remaining citizens. Shattered by the wars and economic disasters Europe and Asia slipped back to an almost barbaric existence. Nothing was heard from the countries of Africa and South America, while Australia, relatively untouched, wisely shut their doors to all.

And as time went on most of the resistance in North America ceased. The eastern coast and most of the mid-west was completely reshaped by the power of Onslaught. The flooding and destruction on the west coast had forced the last few pockets of humanity southward.

The temperature was hovering in the high nineties. The canvas sheet that shaded the exercise area offered little comfort or protection from the heat. A tall man stood to one side, watching the young people who worked out in front of him. He pushed his hair back from his eyes, noting with regret the grey streaks in it.

"Frank, take over here for a minute would you? I have to go and check on something."

A slight blond nodded. "Of course, sir. We'll keep working."

The older man walked back towards the barracks-like buildings. A slim blonde woman sat in front. "Well, Bobbi? Where is he? I told him we were going to practice for an hour before we left."

"Oh Steve, cut him some slack. He's saying good-bye to his fiancee. Give them a little privacy why don't you? They may not see each other for a long time... if ever."

Steve sighed and sat beside her. "I know that, and I understand, but why doesn't he take anything seriously? This operation has been timed to the second. We need him ready."

"He will be, don't worry. And why doesn't he take things seriously? Face it Steve - he's his father's son. Shhhhh... here he comes now."

A tall slim young man rounded the corner of the building, his clothing and his long fair hair disheveled. Bobbi rose and started to push his hair back out of his eyes.

"Aw, Ma! Cut it out would ya? You're embarrassing me." He grinned broadly and continued, "So Methuselah... what's the big deal? I'm here now so the applause can start."

"Applause?" Steve sputtered. "Why you arrogant young......" Bobbi put her hand gently on his arm. "Oh, never mind. Get over there with the others and start practicing. I'll be there to fill you in shortly."

He sighed heavily as the boy ran over to the others. "Bobbi, sometimes I feel so old. And he's so much like his dad was at that age."

She laughed, "I didn't know Clint then - but he is very much like him isn't he?" She continued in a more serious tone, "Shall I call the other senior members now?"

Steve nodded and walked over to the practice field to watch the others. Clint had picked up a bow and quiver and now, almost thoughtlessly, fired repeated bullseyes. He was like his father in many ways. Others soon joined them from inside the building and he called for everyone's attention.

"As you know, Franklin has been monitoring the progress of Onslaught. He's been able to maintain some contact with Nate Grey. The other mutants trapped inside have been gradually perishing. It's taken almost twenty years, but Onslaught's supply of internal mutant power has finally dropped to a level whereby we feel that we can now successfuly launch our attack." A rustle of excitement grew through the group before him as he continued, "Jack and Fisher have been able to cannibalize enough parts from an Air Force base to construct us two additional aircraft to go along with the Quinjet and the Hexship we already had. So this is it..... today we take back America! Avengers Assemble!"

And so they moved out - two generations of Avengers - Spiderman and his daughter May, Spiderwoman and her daughter Rachel, Ant Man and his daughter Cassie, Mockingbird and her son Clint, US Agent, the Black Widow, the Beast, Franklin Richards, Luna Maximoff and Captain America. Undaunted by the years, some of them never remembering anything but world domination by Onslaught, they went now to reclaim their world.

In this world, as in our own, the Avenger spirit lived on - and triumphed once more.

Send your comments to lonni@paratime.ca