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Identity:  Nakane Sukeko
Group Affiliation:  Echo Samurai Seven
Base of Operations:  Echo-Base 9, secret HQ located somewhere in the Sea of Japan
Side:  Good
Sex:  Female
Age:  24
Height:  5' 5"
Hair:  Black
Eyes:  Dark Brown
Level:  6th
Experience:  20,000
Training:  +1 Vibratory Powers (Earthquake) Accuracy
1. Body Power (Earth Control):  Nakane Sukeko has a special rapport with the earth. As long as her feet touch the ground, she gains the complete mastery of earth. The earth within a 92" (E x2) radius will obey the mental commands of Jishín. It will come 'alive' and move to take whatever shape she desires. "Carrying Capacity" = 23,000 lbs. [E x level x 100 pounds], 3d10 HTH Damage, PR 3 per shape/attack. Can also create earth shields that have an ADR of 46 (E) per every 4 points of Power spent. She also gains the following powers:
      a. Heightened Strength B +26. She uses her FULL weight when determing Carrying Capacity and HTH Damage.
      b. Invulnerability: 30 Points (except attacks using Sonic Powers).
      c. Mutant Power (Earthquake Generation): If Jishín concentrates for a full Turn (cannot move or take an action or else she breaks her concentration), she can generate an incredible shaking force that rumbles out in a radius of 46" (E) and at a PR cost of 8. This force attacks everything in its path (attacks as Vibratory Powers). Those who are hit by this power take 2d8 Damage plus 1 per every two inches away from the source (i.e. Jishín). i.e. If Killermoth was 24" away from Jishín, she would take 2d8 +12 Damage from the earthquake. Furthermore, ALL within the quake radius must make an Agility saving throw (d20) to remain standing up.
      d. Mutant Power (Tremorsense): She can feel the slightest tremor of those walking on the ground within a 23" radius. Her Detect Hidden and Detect Danger rolls are doubled while the target is within this radius.
      e. Speed Bonus: +60" ground movement.
2. Heightened Agility A  +8
3. Heightened Charisma A  +12
4. Heightened Endurance B  +30
5. Natural Weaponry (Commando Self-Defense Training):  +2 to Hit, +4 Damage
6. Weakness (Phobia/Psychosis):  Jishín suffers from Acrophobia (Fear of Heights) and Aviatophobia (Fear of Flying). She prefers to have her two feet firmly planted on the ground and she becomes very uncomfortable (-2 on all attack/damage/initiative rolls) if she is more than two stories high. Should she actually fly, then she suffers a -4 penalty on all die rolls (ie attack/damage/initiative rolls).
Weight:  98 lbs. Basic Hits:  2 Agility Mod:  +2
Strength:  10  [38] Endurance:  46
Agility:  24 Intelligence:  14
Charisma:  28 Reactions from:   Good:  +5     Evil:  -5
Hit Mod. (1) (5.8) (2) (1.1) =  12.76 Hit Points:  26
[Hit Mod. (3.7) (5.8) (2) (1.1) =  47.212] [Hit Points:  95] 
Damage Mod.:  +3 Healing Rate:  4.2
Accuracy:  +4 Power:  94  [120]
Carrying Capacity:  548 lbs.  [5828 lbs.] Basic HTH Damage:  1d8  [2d8]
Movement Rates:  80" ground  [166" ground]
Det. Hidden:  10%  [20%]  Det. Danger:  14%  [28%] 
Inventing Points:  7.0 Inventing (42%): 
Origin and Background: (Japanese)  Junior member of the official Japanese super-team, Echo Samurai Seven.
Legal Status:  Citizen of Japan with no criminal record.
Training Bonuses:
2nd Level:   +1 Vibratory Powers (Earthquake) Accuracy
3rd Level:   +1 Vibratory Powers (Earthquake) Damage
4th Level:   +1 Unarmed HTH Combat
5th Level:   +1 Unarmed HTH Damage
6th Level:   +1 Vibratory Powers (Earthquake) Damage

To Hit (Normal Unarmed HTH):
Damage (Normal Unarmed HTH):
1D8 + 8

To Hit (Enhanced Unarmed HTH):
Damage (Enhanced Unarmed HTH):
2D8 + 8

To Hit (Earthquake):
Damage (Earthquake):
2D8 + 5 + special(see above)

Jishín (Earthquake) and Echo Samurai Seven are copyright © 2002 - 2005 Tim Hartin. The image is used without permission from the d20 Modern RPG © Wizards of the Coast.