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Moloch © Tim Hartin


True I.D.: Bryant Davenport

Side: Evil

Species: Human

Age: 31

Weight: 220 lbs.

Background: Former herpetologist and industrial spy

Motivation: Vengeance

Origin Type: Science Accident

Legal Status: Wanted; no criminal record




10 ARMOUR: 11 Pts (17.5), Can't Hold Back (-7.5)


10 NATURAL WEAPONRY: Claws & spikes. +3 to hit (7.5), +5 Sharp damage (7.5), Can't Hold Back (-5)

-10 LOWERED INTELLIGENCE: Impaired (-6 IN, -4 EN) (-10)

20 EMOTION CONTROL: Range 25”, cause Fear with a -5 save modifier, PR 3/attack (17.5), Different Range BC (EN) (2.5), Pheromones (0), Single Emotion (-5)

20 EXPERIENCE LEVELS: +2 to hit bonus, +2 defense bonus, and +2 task bonus (20)



25 HEIGHTENED SENSES: Full Scent (10), Acute Scent: +6 task bonus (5), Full Hearing (5), Scent: 1 rank (5)

15 PHYSICAL ABILITY: A) Ambidexterity (2.5), B) Extra Limbs (semi-prehensile tail, off hand) (2.5), I) Wall-Crawling (5), ST-Based Cling (5)

10 SPEED: 48/96 (33 mph / Mach .04) (7.5), Fast Acceration (2.5)

-10 COMPULSION: He hates Amphibia with a passion. Uncommon (-5), CL save (-5)

-10 DISTINCTIVE: Lizard-like appearance, difficult to disguise (-5), unattractive -2 reaction penalty (-5)

ST 26 (2d10), EN 25 (13-), AG 20 (12-), IN 7 (9-), CL 14 (11-)

Claws: 20- to hit, 2d10+5 sharp Kinetic damage

Tail Swipe: 17- to hit, 2d10+5 sharp Kinetic damage

Emotion Control: 17- to hit, -5 save

Defenses: Physical 9, Mental 7

Protection: Armour 4/3/2/2

Initiative: d6 Move: 48/96 Leaping: 186.182

Power: 98 Hits: 44 Healing: 5.7 Inventing Points: 4

Group Affiliation: Member of the Dark Tyrants

Base of Operations: Mobile

Story: While Dr. Bryant Davenport worked at the Broadnax Bio-Institute, his true loyalties were to the international terrorist organization known as C.H.I.M.E.R.A. (Chaos, Havoc, Infiltration, Murder, Extortion, Revenge, and Assassination). His mission was the steal the experimenal mutagenic gas being developed by the researcher, Dr. Bianca Webb, and then to make sure she would not live to duplicate the research.

Dr. Davenport planted a bomb in Dr Webb's lab but he had miscalculated the timer and it exploded while he was still in the lab. The explosion released the experimental mutagenic gas into the lab and exposed both himself and Dr. Webb. Davenport found himself changed into a large, monstrous reptilian humanoid with spiky scales much like the Australian thorny lizard which is also known as a Moloch, which is the name Davenport took for himself.

As Moloch, Davenport's once brilliant mind has become clouded. He can remember bits and pieces of his previous life as Dr. Davenport – mainly his criminal skills, his Herpetology studies, and his ex-wife, Allyson. He left C.H.I.M.E.R.A. to take on freelance work for a while. It was while working freelance he encountered Earth Master and joined his Dark Tyrants team.

Moloch hates Amphibia, even if he can't remember why (it was her experimental gas that created them both).

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The Grenadier image and V&V 3.0 character write-up © 2017 Tim Hartin. Personal use is allowed.