Friday Freebie Maps
Every Friday I will post a new Creative Commons licensed map. You are free to use/print these maps for personal use only. If you wish to use any of these maps in a commercial or non-commercial product, please contact Tim Hartin to learn how.
Friday Freebies usually include two (sometimes more) versions of the same map. One has a white background (for easier printing) and the other has a darker background. Click on the images below to view the larger version of the maps. Under the map images are notes about specific map details.
The Enhanced version of this map is available for sale ($1 US) at DriveThruRPG: Friday Enhanced Map: November 22, 2019. The November 22, 2019 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of white or black backgrounds, numbered or non-numbered areas, and secret doors on or off) and a zip file with all relevant map files as individual jpg images.
Friday November 22, 2019
Map Details:
- This map is a dungeon geomorph.
- Areas 2, 7, 15, and 18 have both large and normal-sized pillars. There is no distinctive pattern to the pillars alignment but that doesn't mean there can't be one. I leave that to the DM. Areas 10, 11, and 12 have normal-sized pillars.
- The black dots in areas 3, 4, NW corner of 18, and 20 represent rubble. Those sections have partially collapsed.
- Area 4 has two animated flame crossbows. They are there to protect the sarcophagi in this chamber. Only one sarcophagus is amongst the rubble. The rest were buried when the chamber collapsed.
- Area 6 c) is a ring of teleporting pillars that transport to area 22. The shaded area is fancy stonework on the floor.
- Areas 6 d), 6 e), 14, and 19 are open pits. The pits in areas 14 and 19 have planks over them.
- Area 12 b) has an altar.
- Areas 12 b) and 22 have statues.
- Area 21 b) has a covered pit trap. Areas 21 b) - f) have braziers. There is a pentagram in area 21 c). Areas 21 d) - f) have large full-sized mirrors. Perhaps there is something trapped within the pentagram and the mirrors are an extra security measure since the captive entity cannot stand its own reflection (evil that cannot look at itself).
- Area 22 also has teleporting pillars (see area 6 b) with fancy stonework ring on the floor. Area 22?s location doesn?t have to be were it is on the map. Since access is by teleportation only, this chamber could literally be anywhere the DM decides.

These maps by Tim Hartin are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License. Inquiries about permissions beyond the scope of this license should be made by contacting Tim Hartin.