Friday Freebie Maps
Every Friday I will post a new Creative Commons licensed map. You are free to use/print these maps for personal use only. If you wish to use any of these maps in a commercial or non-commercial product, please contact Tim Hartin to learn how.
Friday Freebies usually include two (sometimes more) versions of the same map. One has a white background (for easier printing) and the other has a darker background. Click on the images below to view the larger version of the maps. Under the map images are notes about specific map details.
The Enhanced version of this map is available for sale ($2 US) at DriveThruRPG: Friday Enhanced Map: December 23, 2022. The December 23, 2022 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of white or black backgrounds, numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid) and a zip file with all relevant map files as individual jpg images (16 + 1 bonus map).
Friday December 23, 2022
Map Details:
- Grid Size: 72x92 5' Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1229x1578
- This is an inn map (that also acts as a smuggling operation).
- The double white bars on the building walls represent windows.
- Areas 1 and 15 have a dirt/gravel path.
- Area 2 a) is the common room. Area 2 b) is the bar.
- Area 3 is a storage room with kegs/hogsheads (the poker chip-like circles), casks (white circles with black outline), chairs, and a table.
- Area 4 is a kitchen with a fireplace, tables, chairs, casks, and a keg.
- Area 5 is also a storage area with kegs, casks, and a trap door in the floor that leads to the cellar level.
- Area 6 is a storage/servant quarters with casks, sacks (dry goods), and a bed.
- Areas 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 are rooms with beds, small tables, chairs, and a small chest.
- Area 13 is a storage room with casks and sacks.
- Area 14 has stairs leading to the upper level.
- Area 15 has a well.
- Area 16 is a chicken coop.
- Area 17 is a barn/stable. Area 17 a) has ladders leading up to the upper levels.
- Areas 17 b), 17 c), 17 j), and 17 k) are for storage (casks and sacks mainly).
- Areas 17 d), 17 e), 17 f), 17 g), 17 h), and 17 i) are horse stalls with straw on the floors.
- Areas 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 are rooms for rent.
- Area 27 has a trap door in the floor that leads to area 3.
- Area 28 has a table.
- Area 29 is the private quarters of the inn owner.
- Area 30 a) is open. Areas 30 b) and c) are the upper loft of the barn.
- North of area 31 is a trap door in the ceiling.
- Areas 31, 37, 42, and 43 have columns/pillars.
- Area 32 has a statue.
- Area 37 has various contraband (casks, sacks, and bolts of fabric).
- Areas 39 and 40 are offices.
- Area 41 is a secret vault (with chests).

These maps by Tim Hartin are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License. Inquiries about permissions beyond the scope of this license should be made by contacting Tim Hartin.