Monday Blues Maps
Every Monday I post a new Creative Commons licensed map. You are free to use/print these maps for personal use only. If you wish to use any of these maps in a commercial or non-commercial product, please contact Tim Hartin to learn how.
Please note that printing this map in black & white will result in a hard to see, washed-out grey map. Print in colour only.
The Enhanced version of this map is available for sale ($2 US) at DriveThruRPG: Monday Blues #127 - July 15, 2024. This product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid) and a zip file with all relevant map files as individual jpg images (8 in total).
Monday Blues #127 - July 15, 2024
Map Details:
- Grid Size: 36x46 10 ft. Squares or 72x92 5 ft. squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1229x1578
- This map is a cave system that has tunnelled into a hidden tomb/dungeon.
- The circle of dots in area 1 a) is a hole in the cave ceiling (I was thinking of a sinkhole at the surface, but it could easily be a natural chimney, or a well, or a constructed tunnel, etc.).
- Areas 1 and 9 have elevation changes with a series of natural ledges. Each ledge has an elevation marker noting its height.
- Area 3 has elevation lines showing the lower tunnel.
- Areas 4 b), 5 b), and 6 b) represent water. The water's source is to the north of the map (beyond area 4 b). The water flows under the cave walls between areas 4 and 5. Areas 5 and 6 have narrow channels at the bottom of their walls to allow the water to flow through.
- Area 21 b) has a natural chimney to the surface.
- Areas 20 and 36 a) have rubble.
- Area 22 is littered with bones of all types and shapes. These are the remains of the workers that originally crafted the tomb section (they were sacrificed once the tomb section was built).
- Areas 23, 34 a), and 36 a) have columns/pillars.
- Area 24 has tapestries.
- Area 26 b) is a platform surrounded by some sort of dangerous liquid (acid, green slime, lava, etc.).
- Areas 26 b) and 28 b) have chests.
- Areas 27 and 37 a) have fireball traps.
- Area 28 a) has lightning bolt traps.
- Areas 28 b), 33 b), 34 b), 36 b), and 37 b) have daises.
- Areas 29, 33 b), 34 b), 36 b), and 37 b) have sarcophagi.
- Areas 31, 34 a), and 36 a) have hidden pits.
- Area 32 has a dark stone monolith.
- Area 35 has stairs leading to the surface but the passage has been deliberately caved-in.
- Areas 34 a) and 36 b) have statues.

These maps by Tim Hartin are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License. Inquiries about permissions beyond the scope of this license should be made by contacting Tim Hartin.