Ruler: His Noble Radiance, Duke Grenowin of Ulek
Capital: Tringlee (pop. 14,500)
Population: 16,000
Demi-humans: High Elves (14,000), Sylvan Elves (4000), Gnomes (2000), some Dwarves
Humanoids: Few (in mountains)
Resources: Foodstuffs, cloth, electrum, gems (I, II)
National Alignment: Chaotic Good

          The elven realm of Ulek is ruled by a wise and intelligent Duke of High Elven race. Many of the human inhabitants of the land are partially elven, and the remainder are well disposed to demi-humans. After gaining independent status, these peoples were quick to make treaties of mutual aid with Celene and the lower Ulek states. While they do not love the Keoish, they do not bear them any enmity, and normal relations and trade exist between the Duchy, the Gran March, Keoland, and the Dwarves of the Lortmil Mountains. Most traffic, however, passes through the mountains to Celene (via the Dwarven passes) and the gnomes of the Kron Hills.

          The realm's Knights of the Silverwood consist of some 2000 men and elves who have sworn loyalty to the Duke. This force consists of a small troop of heavy cavalry, another of medium, and a body of elvish light. There is also a branch of mounted mages who are predominantly Elven, but may be of any race of the realm. The balance (50%) consists of crossbowmen, billmen, and elvish archers. In time of need levies of men, elves, and gnomes can be raised speedily.

Olven Calendar (O.C.) Common Year (C.Y.) Significant Events
2190 -2273 The Elven city of Tringlee is established in the heart of the Silverwood forest (which covers most of what will become the Duchy of Ulek/Northern Keoland).
2288 -2175 The Elven cities of Tadanee and Vepaja are established.
2312 -2151 The founding of the first Flan city, Haradahagh, in the Lortmils.
2660 -1803 The Flan city of Haradahagh is remembered only in song and legend.
2722 -1741 Tribes of barbaric Flan hillmen call the hills along the southern border of the Lortmil Mountains home.
2794 to 2820 -1669 to -1645 Vecna wages war against the Eastern Elven Kingdoms.
4121 -342 The Kingdom of Keoland is founded by Suloise and Oeridian peoples.
4812 350 King Tavish III embarks on campaigns of conquest. The Ulek Provinces fall under Keoish influence.
4818 356 The expansion of the Kingdom of Keoland reaches its peak. Keoland held sway from the Promarj to the Crystalmist Mountains, while her armies pushed into Ket and threatened Verbobonc and Veluna City.
4822 360 The Ketitie expedition ends in grief in the battles of Molvar and Lopolla. An alliance between Veluna and Furyondy end the Keoish threat in that quarter (Short War). The Ulek Provinces object to the Keoish aggression and expel its royal garrisons from their borders.
4916 453 Tavish IV ascends the Keoish throne.
452 - 458 383
454 383
462 - 464 383
465 383
479 383
513 383 The second Giant Invasion.
582 383 The current date of the campaign.

a Lortmil Valley

Known Cities & Towns:

Name Size Population GP Limit
Greywinde Large Town 3400 3000 gp
Horde Small Town 1880 800 gp
Tadanee Small City 5500 15,000 gp
Tringlee Large City 14,500 40,000 gp
Vepaja Small City 7800 15,000 gp
Waybury Large Town 4000 3000 gp