MV1 Presents Canada's Premiere Super Hero Team ...


Starting Jan Y4

Logo designed by Mark Bousquet


by Mark Bousquet

#131 - "whoM iz alphA flight?"
#132 - "To Kill Marrina" pt.1
#133 - "To Kill Marrina" pt.2
#134 - "ALPHA and OMEGA"
#135 - "The Whole World Goes Grazy"
#136 - "SEEDS of the FATHER"
#137 - "Of OMEGA and HELLFIRE"
#138 - "Last Line / First Line"
#139 - "STUCK in the MIDDLE"

by Danny Wall

#141 - "Lost and Found..."
#142 - "BIRDS OF A FEATHER..."
#143 - "Places To Go, People To See"
#144 - "The More Things Change..."
#145 - "Pandemonium in the streets"


by Gary Halpin

#146 - "Should Olde Acquaintances…"

by Adrian J. Watts

#147 - "The Calm"
#148 - "The Manikin Hypothesis"

All Marvel characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. This site is dedicated to the enjoyment of said characters and does not attempt to infringe on said trademarks in any way.