Friday Freebie Maps
Every Friday I will post a new Creative Commons licensed map. You are free to use/print these maps for personal use only. If you wish to use any of these maps in a commercial or non-commercial product, please contact Tim Hartin to learn how.
Friday Freebies usually include two (sometimes more) versions of the same map. One has a white background (for easier printing) and the other has a darker background. Click on the images below to view the larger version of the maps. Under the map images are notes about specific map details.
The Enhanced version of this map is available for sale ($2 US) at DriveThruRPG: Friday Enhanced Map: July 19, 2019. The July 19, 2019 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of white or black backgrounds, numbered or non-numbered areas, and secret doors on or off) and a zip file with all relevant map files as individual jpg images.
Friday July 19, 2019
Map Background:
- In the frozen plains of the far north lies the Eye of Shum'Morak. It is a large oval pit with a solid inner pillar. From above, the hole resembles an eye carved out of the earth. The Eye of Shum'Morak penetrates nearly a full mile into the earth.
- This level holds the various creatures he has collected for his private menagerie. Any beast too dangerous to keep alive is slaughtered and its parts are harvested for arcane purposes. One of his henchmen is a cleric who can cast Create Food and Water spells as needed when natural supplies run low.
- Naturally a DM/GM can ignore all this and go with their own ideas.
Map Details:
- Area 1 is the bottom of the Eye. It has cliff faces sloping upwards.
- Areas 2, 3, 19, and 20 have statues. Shum'Morak is a very vain man and he loves having statues of himself throughout his lair.
- Area 3 has a dais.
- Areas 4 b), 5 d), 6 b), 7 b), 8 b), 9 d), 12 b), 13 b), 14 b), 15 b), 17 b), 18 b), 21 b), and 22 b) have wall basins.
- Areas 4 b), 5 b), 5 c), 5 d), 8 b), 9 b), 9 c), and 9 d) are holding cells for newly acquired creatures and/or captives.
- Areas 6 b) and 7 b) are used for large creatures (like griffons or hippogriffs).
- Area 14 b) has a heavy curtain in front of the cage. This cage is used to hold basilisks. Shum'Morak uses a special contraption with mirrors to view his captured basilisks without the danger of becoming petrified.
- Area 16 has a open shaft that runs the length of the Eye. A knotted rope hangs in the centre of the shaft. It allows quick access to the lower levels for those who can utilize it (via flight, feather fall, climbing, etc.).
- Area 17 b) has several unicorns.
- Area 18 b) has perytons.
- Area 24 is a large pool that if fed via an underground water source. The tunnels that feed fresh water into the pools are too small for the pool's occupants to use to escape. The pool is divided into three sections via bars/cages. These pools hold aquatic creatures (but not amphibious ones). Area 24 a) has giant sea creatures (such as giant sea eels). Area 24 b) is often stocked with various fish and is used as a food source. Area 24 b) is often used for new aquatic acquisitions.

These maps by Tim Hartin are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License. Inquiries about permissions beyond the scope of this license should be made by contacting Tim Hartin.