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Villains & Vigilantes Zombies

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Zombie Abilities

All zombies have the following abilities:

1. Body Power (Undead): The living dead cannot fall unconscious (see section 3.6 in the rulebook). Also, the living dead will continue to fight until HPs and Basic Hits are exhausted. This represents the zombie's ability to continue fighting as it is hacked to pieces. Zombies do not have a Power score and their actions never cost any Power (this is why they will never tire). Since zombies are no longer living, they cannot gain experience and as such, remain at 4th level.

2. Mutant Power (Zombie Infection): On a successful special attack, the zombie has bitten its victim and may have spread its infection (only if HP damage is caused). The victim must immediately make a saving throw vs. End (on d100) or lose 1d10 HPs (if the victim has no more HPs left, he then loses Power). The victim must continue to make this saving throw for 1d20 minus ½ End number of days (treat all results under zero as 1). In that time, should the victim fall below 0 HPs and Power then he will succumb to the zombie infection. If the victim should survive the process with some HPs or Power left, he will lose 2d6 points of Endurance but will not become a zombie.

3. Willpower: Type A. This represents the zombie's single mindedness in its pursuit of the living.

4. Weakness (Mute): Zombies cannot talk.

5. Weakness (Psychosis): All zombies must feed on the living. This compulsion overrides any other desire or motivation.

6. Weakness (Vulnerability): All head shots do x4 damage to a zombie.

Stages of Decomposition

While zombies may be the walking dead, they are still subject to decomposition. Biological factors, such as bacteria, fungi, maggots, etc. will continue to consume the zombie. The general strength of the zombie is based on its state of decomposition. Zombies can be broken down into the following stages:

Stage I - Fresh Decomposition: The fresh stage of decomposition occurs during the first few days following death. There are no physical signs of decomposition during this time. The eyes are glossy and have dark rings around them.

Stage I Zombie

Level: 4

Powers: As listed above plus the following.

1. Natural Weaponry (Undead Strength): +3 to hit, +6 damage.

2. Heightened Senses (Sense the Living): Zombies can detect any living human within 28" (End x2) radius. While within this radius, the zombie's Detect Hidden percentage is multipled by a factor of four. While zombies cannot actually see in the dark, they do not suffer any penalties when attacking the living in such an environment.

Character Data:

Weight: 175 lbs. Basic Hits: 4 Agility Mod: N/A
Strength: 14 Endurance: 14
Agility: 10 Intelligence: 8
Charisma: 12 Reactions from:   Good: -1     Evil: -1
Hit Mod. (1.2) (1.4) (1) (.9) = 1.512 Hit Points: 7
Damage Mod.: -1 Healing Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A Power: N/A
Carrying Capacity: 365 lbs. Basic HTH Damage: 1d6
Movement Rates: 36" ground.
Det. Hidden: 6% (24%) Det. Danger: 11%

Stage II - Initial Decomposition: The skin has become drawn and almost translucent. The eyes have withdrawn deeper into their sockets and the dark rings have become red. Ears and nose have begun to rot away.

Stage II Zombie

Level: 4

Powers: As listed above plus the following.

1. Natural Weaponry (Undead Strength): +3 to hit, +6 damage.

2. Heightened Senses (Sense the Living): Zombies can detect any living human within 26" (End x2) radius. While within this radius, the zombie's Detect Hidden percentage is multipled by a factor of four. While zombies cannot actually see in the dark, they do not suffer any penalties when attacking the living in such an environment.

Character Data:

Weight: 165 lbs. Basic Hits: 4 Agility Mod: N/A
Strength: 12 Endurance: 13
Agility: 9 Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 13 Reactions from:   Good: -1     Evil: -1
Hit Mod. (1.2) (1.4) (.9) (.9) = 1.3608 Hit Points: 6
Damage Mod.: -1 Healing Rate: N/A
Accuracy: N/A Power: N/A
Carrying Capacity: 256 lbs. Basic HTH Damage: 1d6
Movement Rates: 34" ground.
Det. Hidden: 6% (24%) Det. Danger: 11%

Stage III - Moderate Decomposition: The zombie loses its hair and its teeth start to fall out. Skin acquires a greenish tint. Fingers and toes begin to rot off.

Stage III Zombie

Level: 4

Powers: As listed above plus the following.

1. Natural Weaponry (Undead Strength): +2 to hit, +4 damage.

2. Heightened Senses (Sense the Living): Zombies can detect any living human within 24" (End x2) radius. While within this radius, the zombie's Detect Hidden percentage is multipled by a factor of four. While zombies cannot actually see in the dark, they do not suffer any penalties when attacking the living in such an environment.

Character Data:

Weight: 155 lbs. Basic Hits: 4 Agility Mod: N/A
Strength: 10 Endurance: 12
Agility: 8 Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 14 Reactions from:   Good: -1     Evil: -1
Hit Mod. (1) (1.4) (.9) (.7) = 0.882 Hit Points: 4
Damage Mod.: -1 Healing Rate: N/A
Accuracy: -2 Power: N/A
Carrying Capacity: 171 lbs. Basic HTH Damage: 1d4
Movement Rates: 30" ground.
Det. Hidden: 6% (24%) Det. Danger: 11%

Stage IV - Full Decomposition: Large areas of exposed skull and bone, loss of limbs. One or both eyes fall out.

Stage IV Zombie

Level: 4

Powers: As listed above plus the following.

1. Natural Weaponry (Undead Strength): +1 to hit, +2 damage.

2. Heightened Senses (Sense the Living): Zombies can detect any living human within 22" (End x2) radius. While within this radius, the zombie's Detect Hidden percentage is multipled by a factor of four. While zombies cannot actually see in the dark, they do not suffer any penalties when attacking the living in such an environment.

Character Data:

Weight: 135 lbs. Basic Hits: 3 Agility Mod: N/A
Strength: 9 Endurance: 11
Agility: 7 Intelligence: 5
Charisma: 15 Reactions from:   Good: -2     Evil: -2
Hit Mod. (1) (1) (.5) (.7) = 0.35 Hit Points: 2
Damage Mod.: -1 Healing Rate: N/A
Accuracy: -2 Power: N/A
Carrying Capacity: 124 lbs. Basic HTH Damage: 1d4
Movement Rates: 27" ground.
Det. Hidden: 4% (16%) Det. Danger: 10%

Zombie Alternative

The GM may decide to use these alternative zombies instead: Night of the Living Dead Zombies.

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