V&V Doctor Who

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Creating a V&V Doctor Who Character

Martha Jones

Doctor Who Character generation varies slightly from the V&V norm. Characters are usually randomly generated, but if players wish to play themselves as a Time Lord's companions they may certainly do so (with GM's descretion). Check below to see which dice to roll for determing characteristics and the number of "powers".

Character Type Characteristics Powers
Human (Normal) 2d6 + 4 1d2 + 2
Human (Exotic) 3d6 + 4 1d4 + 2
Time Lord 4d6 1d8 + 2

Examples of "normal" humans include such companions as Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright, Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones, etc. The more exotic human companions would include the likes of Leela, the Brigadier, Romana, etc. All Power rolls are modified by the selection of a weakness as per the normal V&V rules.

The selection of Super Powers are listed in the order of preference: Skills, Devices, Magic/Psionics, Magic/Psionic Items, and finally Powers. With that said, the Powers list can easily be used to simulate many alien abilities so naturally which list you choose from will be determined by the type of character being played and the type of campaign.

Whenever possible, all source material is based on the original television episodes. With that said, I have elaborated on some of the original material for the sake of playability. Click on the V&V Doctor Who logo to return to the main V&V Doctor Who page.

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