The gangsters didn't know what hit them. All they saw was a woman in some sort of black outfit glide into the back of the moving truck and then -- darkness. Even with the truck lurching back and forth as it drove over the bumpy rode, Shandara the She-Bat quickly dispossed of the two guards with style and grace. A quick open palm strike and an even quicker jab with her elbow took care of the opposition.
As Shandara was about to open the crates, that the gangsters were transporting, she felt the hairs stand on the back of her neck. She dove for cover as a hail of bullets rained were she once stood. With a flick of her wrist, she threw two shuriken at the source of the gunfire. A man screamed as they sunk into his flesh. He dropped his tommy-gun as he fell from the truck's cab. Only the driver remained. Shandara ignored him as she cracked open a crate. She had found her prize.
These gangsters can have their bootlegging, it was the ancient occult relic that Shandara was interested in. She knew that the leader of this gang was interested in the occult and that this relic was needed for a series of sinister rituals. She couldn't have amateurs dabbling with what they don't understand. She picked up the small relic and flew into the night. The driver, startled by the image of the bat-like woman flying away, failed to swerve with the turn in the road and drove into a nearby tree. Shandara knew she would have to make a personal visit to the leader of the O'Rourke Gang. If he wasn't stopped with his arcane meddling, great evil could be released on the earth...
Shandara the She-Bat/Felicity Tremayne,
British Female Aristocrat, Mystic 6/Martial Artist 6: Init +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Defense 25 (+4 Dex, +11 class); Spd 30 ft.; VP/WP 98/16; Atk +9/+4 melee (1d8+4, punch), or +11/+6 ranged (1d4, shuriken); SA Flurry of blows, stunning attack; SQ Evasion, leap of the clouds, mystic powers, slow mind, slow fall; SV Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +11; SZ M; Rep 6 (0 in civilian identity); Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 20.
Skills: Balance +13, Bluff +5, Climb +7, Concentration +12, Escape Artist +10, Hide +4, Jump +14, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (far east) +5, Knowledge (high society) +4, Listen +2, Move Silently +4, Profession (management) +9, Search +2, Sense Motive +14, Spot +2, Tumble +11, Wilderness Lore +7.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Neck Hairs Rise, Secret Identity, Weapon Proficiency (simple), Weapon Proficiency (exotic - shuriken).
Special Attacks: Flurry of blows, stunning attack (DC = 13).
Special Qualities: Evasion, leap of the clouds, mystic powers (Mystic Points: 24), slow mind (+2 Will save against mind-influencing powers and devices), slow fall (20 ft.).
Mystic Powers Known (4/2/1): Base save DC = 13 + power level; 1st - charm person (Pulp Heroes 60), combat precognition (Psionics Handbook 60), hear light (Psionics Handbook 79), spider climb (Psionics Handbook 100); 2nd - combat prescience (Psionics Handbook 60), invisibility (Psionics Handbook 82); 3rd - fly (Psionics Handbook 76).
Languages: Cantonese, English, Tibetan.
Equipment: 12 Shuriken.
At an early age, Felicity Tremayne grew bored of her life at the stately manor. Neither the English country side, nor the trappings of the English Aristocracy held any interest to Felicity. It was the occult that caught her attention. She used her extensive wealth to buy the rarest tomes and she studied the mystical arts. She learnt secrets that were long forgotten as she pried into the arcane mysteries.
But Felicity could only teach herself so much. She knew she had to search out someone who could teach her more. She packed up her bags and travelled throughout the far east. She studied the mystical arts from any who would teach her. She learnt many wondrous abilities while she travelled through Hong Kong, Shanghai, and eventually deeper into the Chinese mainland. While in China she also studied the martial arts and applied that discipline to her own arcane studies. But it was in Tidbet where she learnt the secrets of invisibility and flight.
Felicity returned to England to find that the nearby lands, which surrounded her ancestral manor, had been infested by a strange witch cult. She used her new found powers to infiltrate this cult and eventually she was able to disperse them and free the area from their influence. It was from this strange cult that she acquired her equally strange bat-like costume. She decided that her arcane abilties should be kept a secret and Felicity took on the identity of Shandara the She-Bat to protect her family and her friends from any retribution (or scandal) that her adventuring lifestyle might acquire.
[1] Official Errata (Dungeon 91, p.85): Characters gain additional languages per Int modifier as per the original Player's Handbook rules.
Pulp Heroes, Dungeon & Dragons, Psionics Handbook are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast. Pulp Heroes was written by David Noonan. All text on this page is considered Open Game Content.
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