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Villains & Vigilantes Zombies

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Creating a Character

Zombie Characters

The following rules will create normal powered, or slightly skilled characters. Use the standard V&V rules if the GM allows superpowered based characters.

1. Basic Characteristics: Roll 3d6 for each of the five Basic Characteristics. Assign the rolls in any order the Player wishes. No Basic Characteristic may start with a value greater than 24.

2. Character Advantages: Roll 1d4+1 to determine the numbers of Advantages a Character starts with initially. Advantages are selected from the list below.

Roll Advantage   Roll Advantage
01 - 07 Enhanced Agility   54 - 60 Natural Weaponry Skill
08 - 15 Enhanced Attack   61 - 67 Enhanced Strength
16 - 22 Enhanced Charisma   68 - 74 Weaponry
23 - 31 Enhanced Defense   75 - 81 Pet
32 - 38 Enhanced Endurance   82 - 88 Enhanced Movement
39 - 46 Enhanced Expertise   89 - 93 Weakness Detection
47 - 53 Enhanced Intelligence   94 - 00 Willpower

3. Character Weaknesses: Roll 1d2 to determine the numbers of Weaknesses a Character starts with initially. Weaknesses may be removed if the player drops an equal number of Advantages. Weaknesses are selected from the list below.

Roll Weakness   Roll Weakness
01 - 12 Diminished Senses   55 - 67 Reduced Agility
13 - 20 Reduced Intelligence   64 - 70 Reduced Charisma
21 - 27 Low Self-Control   71 - 77 Reduced Endurance
28 - 34 Mute   78 - 84 Reduced Strength
35 - 41 Phobia   85 - 92 Addiction
42 - 48 Physical Handicap   93 - 00 Psychosis
49 - 56 Prejudice      

4. Character Knowledge Areas: Roll 1d3 to determine the numbers of Knowledge Areas a Character starts with initially. Knowledge Areas are selected from the V&V rulebook as per the normal rules. Additional Knowlege Areas may be learned by Training.

5. Choose Weapons: Roll 1d3 to determine the numbers of Weapons a Character starts with initially. A list of weapons can be found here.

Character Advantage Descriptions

Enhanced Attack: +1 Damage for every two levels of experience.

Enhanced Characteristics: Add 1d6 to the appropriate Basic Characteristic (i.e. Strength, Endurance, Agility, Intelligence, Charisma). No Basic Characteristic may start with a value greater than 24.

Enhanced Defense: -2 to be hit.

Enhanced Expertise: The character has a +2 bonus to hit. Roll percentage dice to determine which weapon(s) the character is an expert.

01 - 75: Choose one weapon.

76 - 00: Choose a group of weapons (i.e. martial arts weapons, military weapons, etc.).

Enhanced Movement: Roll 1d10 times five and add the result to one of the character's movement rates.

Natural Weapon Skill: As per the standard V&V power but this represents skill based abilities only (i.e. martial arts, boxing skills, survivalist training, etc.).

Pet: As per the standard V&V power but only normal animals are allowed (ie dog, cat, ferret, etc).

Weakness Detection: As per the standard V&V power.

Weaponry: The character starts with an extra weapon of choice (as approved by the GM).

Character Weakness Descriptions

Weaknesses are the same as the V&V rules with the following exceptions:

Addiction: The character's body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops physical and/or mental dependence. Addiction is often associated with drug addiction and substance abuse. The character will seak out the object of his addiction to supply his habit. When the drug or substance on which the character is dependent is suddenly removed, it will cause withdrawal. During withdrawl, the character behaves as fatigued (see 3.6 HIT POINTS vs. POWER POINTS).

Phobias: Choose or roll percentage dice to select a phobia for the character. Characters who don't role-play their character's phobias, should receive an Experience penalty.

Phobia Subtable:

Roll Phobia   Roll Phobia
01 - 08 Acrophobia   55 - 61 Claustrophobia
09 - 15 Agoraphobia   62 - 66 Entomophobia
16 - 21 Ailurophobia   67 - 74 Hematophobia
22 - 32 Astraphobia   75 - 82 Monophobia
33 - 38 Bacteriophobia   83 - 88 Necrophobia
39 - 45 Ballistophobia   89 - 94 Pyrophobia
46 - 54 Botanophobia   95 - 00 Scotophobia

Acrophobia: Fear of Heights.

Agoraphobia: Fear of Open Places.

Ailurophobia: Fear of Cats.

Astraphobia: Fear of Thunder, Lightning, and Storms.

Bacteriophobia: Fear of Bacteria.

Ballistophobia: Fear of Bullets (Gunfire).

Botanophobia: Fear of Plants.

Claustrophobia: Fear of Enclosed Spaces.

Entomophobia: Fear of Insects.

Hematophobia: Fear of Blood.

Monophobia: Fear of Being Alone.

Necrophobia: Fear of the Dead.

Pyrophobia: Fear of Fire.

Scotophobia: Fear of Darkness.

Psychosis: Choose or roll percentage dice to select a psychosis for the character. Characters who don't role-play their character's psychosis, should receive an Experience penalty.

Roll Psychosis   Roll Psychosis
01 - 10 Amnesia   59 - 66 Cowardice
11 - 18 Paranoia   67 - 75 Tremors
19 - 26 Obsession   76 - 82 Recklessness
27 - 34 Megalomania   83 - 89 Delusions
35 - 40 Schizophrenia   89 - 94 Sadist
41 - 47 Multiple Personality Disorder   95 - 00 Depression
48 - 58 Recurring Nightmares      

Amnesia: The character is deprived of memory, possibly selectively. He or she will remember languages and physical based knowledge areas but not intellectual based knowledge areas. Background details about family and friends will also be missing.

Cowardice: The character is easily scared and intimidated. He will be very reluctant to take any personal risk. Under severe danger, the character might become paralyzed with fear. In such a situation, the character needs to make an Intelligence Roll (d20) to take action, otherwise he will be frozen in inaction.

Delusions: The character suffers from beliefs that have no basis in reality. The character will refuse to abandon his delusions even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Depending on the severity of the delusion, the character may act as if he had the Prejudice Weakness.

Depression: The character suffers from a chronic or severe level of sadness. The character will be unattached to the events around himself and will act with a -2 modifier to all tasks (i.e. to hit, damage, skill rolls, etc). A character that makes a Charisma skill roll (d20) can overcome their depression for a limited time (1d12 hours). During this time, the character behaves normally.

Megalomania: The character is convinced that their personal standing surpasses anyone else. They are convinced that they cannot do wrong and are destined for future greatness. Any failure on the character's part is obviously not their fault but the fault lies elsewhere (especially with others).

Multiple Personality Disorder: The character has their main personality and a series of additional distinct personalities that have developed in response to or in compensation for perceived inabilities or dysfunctions in the original personality. Each personality is distinctive and often will have their own names and behaviour patterns. The character can switch between personalities very ease.

Obsession: The character is preoccupied with a single objective, with a detriment to everything else. This obession can be a particular goal (like finding ammo) or it could take shape as a personal behaviour (constant washing of one's hands). To break from his obsession, the character must make an Intelligence Roll (d20) or else continue with his obsession.

Paranoia: The character trusts no one - everyone is supsect. He or she will take precautions to protect oneself (i.e. stand with back to wall, enter rooms last, check food for poison, etc.).

Recurring Nightmares: The character is beseiged by recurring nightmares that affect his sleep. With each night of sleep, the GM should roll randomly to see if the character suffers a nightmare (1 - 3, d8). Should a nightmare occur, the character will not be able to get back to sleep and will be fatigued (see 3.6 HIT POINTS vs. POWER POINTS) the next day until he can get some proper sleep.

Recklessness: The character is extremely overconfident and impulsive and will often take actions that will put himself and others around him in risk. He is the type of character that never looks before he leaps and often gets into trouble because of it. While the character may take risks, the character is not suicidal.

Sadist: The character is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals). He enjoys humiliating or demeaning people in the presence of others. He will lie for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal). He is often fascinated by violence, weapons, injury, or torture.

Schizophrenia: The character suffers from abnormalities in one's perception or expression of reality. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking with significant social or occupational dysfunction. A character's different personalities may even be hostile to one another.

Tremors: The character suffers from extreme physical symptoms when under stress. These symptoms can manifest as nervous twitching, vomiting, excessive perspiration, or violent spasms. In such a situation, the character needs to make an Agility Roll (d20) to take action, otherwise he will act with a -4 modifier to all actions (to hit, damage, etc.).

Reduced Basic Characteristics: Subtract 1d6+2 from the relevant Basic Characteristic (i.e. Strength, Endurance, Agility, Intelligence, Charisma). Characters may regain up to three points through training but no more.

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