Wild rumors and hushed whispers tell of a hidden city deep in the heart of the Congo Basin. The density of the surrounding jungle has kept any inquisitive European from discovering if these myths are based on fact. Most civilized folk see such talk as fanciful tales (or downright lies) told by superstitious natives, but the local tribesmen know the dangers of searching for those who do not want to be disturbed.
It is said that this city was built, long before the earliest Pharaohs of Egypt, by large semi-erect ape-like creatures who fed on human flesh and drank human blood (this is how they acquired human speech and mannerisms). The local natives learnt quickly not to disturb the Jangari ("Strange Apes") territory or risk their wrath.
The stories also tell of Jangari warriors who would raid the local tribes for human slaves. None can remember when this last happened but it is always mentioned to have occurred in the time of the tribesmen's fathers' fathers' fathers' lives. Only the bravest, or the most foolish, search out the Jangari and their hidden city of Jargoro.
Jargoro ("Strange Moon"): Hidden City of the Jangari
Location: Congo Basin, Africa
Population: approx. 1500 - 2000 Jangari (approx. 500 human slaves)
Political Heirarchy: The administrative, spiritual, and technical affairs are dominated by the red-veiled priesthood known as the Ga-Usha ("red wind"). Their doctrine teaches of the superiority of the Jangari and as such, they are the true inheritors of the jungle that surrounds them. Very few in their society will openly challenge the Ga-Usha or their policies -- to do so would bring enslavement or death (and in many cases both).
Political Factions: The Kovoko ("strong muscle") police the city and its borders in search of any who trangress the Jangari's natural state of superiority (i.e. trespass into their territory). The Kovoko also lead raids against the neighboring tribes when their human slaves need replenishing with fresh breeding stock.
The Yatoban ("seeing stones") see to the general maintenance and upkeep of Jangari technology. It is their knowledge that lights the city with electricity at night, or power the strange electron rifles of the Kovoko. While the Yatoban have an extremely important rule to play in Jangari society, they are often looked down at for their technical expertise (such endeavors are too close to the behavior of humans).
Ruling Body: The Council of Law (members are called Lawgivers) consist of 30 elected Jangari. Whoever controls the most seats get to elect the Supreme Lawgiver who acts as leader. At the moment, the Ga-Usha control the majority of the council seats and have held an iron-fist on the reigns of government for some time.
Map Legend:
Barricade Wall
City Legend:
1. The Palace of Kasari: A large extravagant palace where the Lawgivers meet and determine Jangari policy. In past history, a small garrison of Kovoko were stationed at the palace, but of late they have dwindled to a small squad (approx. 6-8 soldiers). The Ga-Usha have taken over the protection of the Palace and its grounds with members of their own order.
2. Main Gates: The main gates are crafted from sturdy wood reinforced with metal (thickness 2 ft.; Hardness 6; 140 hp; Break 30; Climb DC 28). They have the image of a grim Jangari carved on the front. Eight Kovoko always stand on guard at the main gates.
3. Commoner District:
4. Ga-Usha Monestary Grounds:
5. Military Barracks & Training Grounds:
6. Human Slave Pen: All humans in Jargoro live their lives under a curfew. During the day they work for the Jangari (servants, general labor, underground mining, etc.), but at night they must return to the slave pens or face strict punishment or even death. The interior of the slave pen is cluttered with many tiny squalid huts. The humans within these walls live a life of hardship and basic survival.
7. Merchantile District:The Yatoban Research Hall is also located in this district.
A. Outer Barricade: These wooden walls stand just under twenty feet high and the timbers are shaved to form spikes at the top (Thickness: 1 ft.; Hardness: 5; 120 hp; Break DC: 26, Climb DC 23). At strategic locations along the wall are guard towers (the black dots located on the map). They are manned by a squad of four Kovoko each. All towers also have a ballista (3d6 damage; Crit. x3; Range 120 ft.) and the Kovoko are armed with 3 javelins each.
B. Inner Barricade: These inner walls are composed of superior masonry (Thickness: 2 ft.; Hardness: 8; 180 hp; Break DC: 35, Climb DC 20)
C. Slave Barricade: The walls that divide the slave compound from the rest of Jangari society are the same style as the Outer Barricade (Thickness: 1 ft.; Hardness: 5; 120 hp; Break DC: 26, Climb DC 23). The gates to this area are guarded by four Kovoko each with an elaborate alarm system set up in case the humans become foolish enough to attempt to revolt.
Jangari Commoner
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Defense: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural)
Vitality Dice: 0
Wounds: 12
Attacks: +4 melee (1d3+4, unarmed)
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: Species traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0
Size: Medium
Reputation: +0
Attributes: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +7, Listen +2, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness
Species Traits: +2 Str, +2 Dex, Low-Light vision, natural armor +3, scent, +2 racial bonus to Fortitude and Reflex saves, +2 racial bonus to climb checks.
The Jangari are a race of intelligent Great Apes. They can be broken into three "subraces" - those who resemble chimpanzees, those who resemble gorillas, and those who resemble orangutangs. As a general rule, the three "subraces" of the Jangari do not interbreed with each other. Such a practice is only practiced by animals of a lower station in life (i.e. humanity). While the Jangari may hold strick views on racial purity, they hold no such compulsions when it comes to social status. A "gorilla" Jangari may be a member of the Ga-Usha, or the Kovoko, or even the Yatoban. It would depend on the individual Jangari's calling and/or abilities.
Jangari Class Modifications:
§ EXPLORERS ("KAMGARA"): The Kamgara ("jungle snares") brave the surrounding jungle on a routine basis. The jungle holds no secrets for them as it is as much their home as is the Ape City of Jangaro. Jangari Kamgara often act as guides for the Kovoko while on slaver raids for local humans. Skill Substitution: Swap the 'Drive', 'Pilot' and 'Ride' skills for 'Balance', 'Craft (trapmaking)', and 'Speak Language' skills.
§ GANGSTERS ("GOLOWA"): The Golowa ("green talkers") are a secretive lot who are currently persecuted by the ruling Ga-Usha faction. Originally members of the Golowa were Jangari merchants who craved more power, but lately various political enemies of the Ga-Usha have joined their ranks. The Ga-Usha fear that the Golowa are preparing for a coup, but that is the far from the truth. The Golowa are disorganized as various factions fight for control within the society itself. Skill Substitution: Swap the 'Drive' skill for 'Knowledge (Golowa Society)' skill.
§ MARTIAL ARTISTS ("GA-USHA"): The Ga-Usha ("red wind") were originally a peaceful moanstic order that strived for self-discipline and tradition. They are the keepers of the history of the Jangari race. Within their great Monestary, there are scroll after scroll detailing the history of Jangaro and the Jangari since the first days of Kasari the Elder (reportedly the first Jangari). This great organization has succumbed to toltarianism and fascism over the last decade. They are no longer the peaceful monks of the past, but violent supppressors of free thought. Skill Substitution: Swap the 'Knowledge (far east)' skill for the 'Knowledge (Ga-Usha Doctrine)' skill.
§ MYSTICS ("ZA-KALU"): For unknown reasons, only female Jangari have been known to manifested mystical powers. Za-Kalu ("mother") are rare in Jangari society with only a few appearing ever century or so. These women are seen as sacred oracles, touched by the spirit of Kasari the Elder, within Jangari society. They are resented by the Ga-Usha, but the Ga-Usha dare not openly show any disrespect to the Za-Kalu... at least not yet. Skill Substitution: No change in skills.
§ PRIVATE EYES ("JA-BORA"): The Ja-Bora ("discoverer") were originally the enforcers of the Council of Law. Any crime or accusation that was brought to the Lawgivers for consideration would be investigated by the Ja-Bora. Unfortunately, this noble profession has been corrupted by political patronage as the Ga-Usha appoint Ja-Bora who are loyal to their way of thinking. There are still a few Ja-Bora who are impartial and uphold the honour of their office but these numbers dwindle with each new appointment. Skill Substitution: Swap the 'Drive' skill for the 'Knowledge (Jangari Society)' skill.
§ SCIENTISTS ("YATOBAN"): The Yatoban ("seeing stones") are the chief inventors and scientists of the Jangari poeple. While they are greatly skilled within their expertise, they are rarely recognized for their accomplishments. Yatoban technology aids, protects, and enriches Jangari society but the Yatoban themselevs are looked down upon. The average Jangari see this occupation as being too close to those of lesser species (i.e. humans). A true Jangari doesn't dirty his hands with such things. Skill Substitution: Swap the Weapon Proficiency (pistols) for the Skill Emphasis feat instead. Scientist Reputation Modification: In Jangari society, scientists are looked down at and as such, they receive a -2 penalty modifier to their Reputation scores.
§ SOLDIER ("KOVOKO"): The Kovoko ("strong muscle") are the military of the Jangari. They offer the military muscle that is needed in defending their great city from the wild animals that surround them (they include humans in this category). They also raid the nearby human settlements for slaves when their own slave stock begins to dwindle from overwork, starvation, or disease. While some of the Kovoko resent the doctrine as preached by the Ga-Usha, most remain loyal to their duty. As long as the Ga-Usha maintain a majority within the Council of Law, the Kovoko will follow their orders as given. Skill Substitution: Swap the 'Drive', 'Pilot', and 'Repair' skills for 'Move Silently', 'Spot' and 'Wilderness Lore' skills. Since the Jangari don't use firearms, substitute their Weapon Proficiency (pistols) and Weapon Proficiency (rifles) feats for a bonus feat.
Adventure Ideas:
[1] Official Errata (Dungeon 91, p.85): Characters gain additional languages per Int modifier as per the original Player's Handbook rules.
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